Friday, September 28, 2012


Although dusk and dawn can be cool and crisp,
daytime here remains reasonably warm.

Some of our corn crops already have been harvested.

Other fields, like this one, wait their turn 
for the combine to comb the corn rows.

We're still in the early stages of transition to fall, though.

There's still plenty of grass to cut and lots of
ants to kill green to be found.

Happy Friday.  Have a great weekend.


p.s. My daughter's birthday is this weekend, which means I will be falling! speaking of Fall    dangling for dear life swinging through canopies of trees on a zipline at Go Ape in Williamsburg .  Silly Me thought I could just drop her and her friend off and pick them up after the 2-3 hour ordeal.  But nooooo.  Anyone under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.  

Adult?  Have they met me?

Serenity now.


  1. Happy Happy Birthday to CB daughter!
    No doubt she is relieved that no Garden Gnomes will be going to Williamsburg with her mom, LOL.
    Truly gorgeous photos this week--so many refreshing water and field views. thank you.

  2. Hooray!!! I've been hoping someone I knew would go to Go Ape. Very interested to hear how you like it. Hope you take lots of photos. Betsy

  3. Then you need to hit up a tavern or two. Wait. What?

  4. The place will NEVER be the same!
    Happy Birthday CB daughter!

  5. Happy Birthday CB Daughter! Hope you have a wonderful day full of adventure! I wish I still had the nerve to do something like that, but my nerve seems to have run away with my wanderlust.

    CBW, I hope you have fun, too. And if anything goes wrong, you can always blame it on Paula the Gnome

  6. Happy Birthday, CB Daughter!! Wish I was there to celebrate with you....hopefully, sometime soon!

    -Middle Sis

  7. I'd rather die than zipline. Gah. But y'all have fun! I'm sure if nothing else it'll make for excellent blog fodder.

    Happy b'day CBD!!

  8. I feel at home in a cornfield. Don't know why. I just do.


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