CG-The spammers were jamming up my inbox, well over 50 a day. I'll remove the word verification again after a bit but needed a break from all the spam. If there is a way to filter the spam comments from being sent to my email by google (they do a good job of preventing them from appearing on the blog, but i still see it in my inbox), I'll do that.
But for now this is giving me a break from the bombardment.
Thanks for reading and thanks for leaving a comment. I thoroughly enjoy hearing what you have to say even if I don't always have a chance to respond personally.
You too. I love weekends.
ReplyDeleteHey, what's up with the WV?
CG-The spammers were jamming up my inbox, well over 50 a day. I'll remove the word verification again after a bit but needed a break from all the spam. If there is a way to filter the spam comments from being sent to my email by google (they do a good job of preventing them from appearing on the blog, but i still see it in my inbox), I'll do that.
ReplyDeleteBut for now this is giving me a break from the bombardment.
Having troubles with blogger here matter what I do, I still can't access my account - blah!
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful weekend!
deb kitts
Enjoy the weekend ..
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your weekend!
ReplyDeletehave a wonderful weekend...
ReplyDeleteI hate these darn anti robot thingies.
ReplyDeleteWonderful photographs, fantastic views. I am greeting