Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Whenever I see a boat like this, I wonder...Who's on board?  Where are they going?  Where are they from? What does the boat look like on the inside?  What exciting places have they been? How fun is it to ride in that little dinghy? What made them paint their boat yellow and red?  (I love it, by the way.)

Whenever I take two pictures that are almost identical, I wonder why I don't just choose one instead of posting both.  The answer is that I can't make decisions.

A few other things on my mind today include:

-I wonder what is wrong with my dog.  He's constantly scratching and shedding.  Big time. It's not fleas. The shedding is so bad I must vacuum every single day to keep from being waist deep in hair.  Just so you know, I abhor vacuuming. And sweeping.  Also, the house smells like dog. This makes me want to run screaming into the night, especially since I can't get him to the vet until later in the week.
-I wonder how I'm going to get my daughter from the high school to her 2:00 physical tomorrow.  I have to work in Williamsburg. Her appointment is in Deltaville.
-I wonder why I wait to the last minute to do things like schedule a sports physical for a sport whose practice is already underway.
-I wonder how October got here so quickly.
- For that matter, I wonder how my 30th high school reunion got here so quickly. (It's at the end of the month.)

I could go on, but that's enough.

What are you wondering about today?


  1. I wonder how you juggle all that you do!
    Yes, October is here...time is just flying by...

  2. I wonder how I got anything done before retirement...and now I wonder how I got so far behind afterwards????

  3. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending how you look at it, I can't voice all that I'm wondering about. I'm glad I don't have to deal with sports physicals. Luckily when I did have to deal with them, the school had a doctor come in to do them for little to no cost.

  4. I wonder when I am going to see you again. I wonder how my dog got fleas.. I shall be discussing this with my father... who's dogs he was playing with. I wonder if I get him meds today he will stop scratching tonight so I can sleep.. I wonder how come he is sleeping peacefully at my feet right now but at 1 am he was not so peacefully making a racket. I wonder if I will make it through the day without faceplanting on my desk.
    I wonder what my name is.

  5. I wonder who wrote the book of love ... i have been wondering that since the Monotones sang it back when i was a toddler .. riiiiight

    I do wonder when this vertigo will be vertigone, I suspect that it will go when the hives go, when the itching goes ... when the stress is gone .. oh wait, i guess that would be the 12th of Never ...

    Your boat pix were soothing .. i may just spend the day looking at them

  6. I was at the vet with a very itchy and scratchy dog yesterday. She is now on antibiotics, two other itch drugs, and Benadryl twice a day! Give Buddy 2 benadryl in the morning and 2 at night for a week and see if it gets better. It also makes them very sleepy. Hugs to you. Cannot wait for next month!!!

  7. Maybe a good old salt water bath in Queens Creek will do the trick for Buddy. Mother nature has a way with things.

  8. I wonder how I keep my head from exploding some days. I wonder how our new kittens can be so adorable and yet so annoying all at the same time. I wonder whether that one corner of my basement is wet again after this morning's torrential rain. I'm afraid to go check because I am pretty sure I know the answer.

    I wonder when I can escape for a Mathews weekend... or a mutually convenient midway point. It's been too long.

  9. I wonder why I am awake so early before everyone else .
    I wonder why I lay on my stomach so long trying to read my emails etc on a laptop screen that is so terrible that I can only read in a small triangle down at the bottom of the screen.

    I wonder whether I will be able to set up the new little very cheap laptop that I just bought, and whether I will understand the new operating system (windows 7 instead of XP).

    I wonder why my back aches so early in the morning before I even get out of bed.

    I wonder if I will have enough energy to look after two small children. One very active 4 year old, and one very small very unwell 18month old.

    I wonder how I will survive three months without being able to drive...while changing some medication.

    But I do not wonder why I still read your blog. I was laughing so hard at your post of your daughter's Go Ape party, I nearly woke up the grandchildren.

    I wonder if I will ever get used to the new blogger set-up. Once I get a whole screen to look at maybe I will be able to make sense of it all.

    All the best to you all. Happy Birthday CBW daughter.


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