Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Christmas Parade, Part Two

Emmaus Baptist Church had my favorite car in the whole parade.
I have a soft spot for VWs. It's genetic.

 Here are a few more shots from Saturday's Christmas parade. 

I was really hoping the Lions Club was giving away cheeseburgers or BBQ instead of candy, but I suppose marching in a parade is not conducive to serving up food. Still, I think this is something they should strive for next year. Isn't it just as easy to toss a cheeseburger as it is a candy cane? Thank you.

As much as it pains me to say this, I really need to graduate to a better camera. I can only do so much with the standard lens on my beloved friend. This shot has too much background, not enough car. Ok, maybe that has less to do with the lens and more to do with my lack of photo editing zooming in, but still, the time has come. I need to try new lenses which means I need a new camera.

Too much glare on the banner. (I seem to be very critical today. I think it's due to lack of free Christmas parade Lions Club cheeseburgers, a condition known to cause crankiness.)

Santa Claus made a brief appearance in his sleigh,which was drawn by--what else? A lawn mower. Dear Santa Claus, did you hear what I said about the cheeseburgers camera? I've been sort of good this year. Well, I did the best I could anyway. Thanks in advance. Love,CBW.

I think we need to add a lawn mower to the official county seal.

Although it is very common for me to change topics in a blog post, sometimes so many times your head will spin, it is very unusual for me to mix photos unless there is some common theme or element.

Today is the exception.

The parade photos are now over.

The next two are from the MHS Girls JV basketball team, which is now 5-0 after beating Rappahannock for the second time last night, 25-11. The team is outstanding and a pleasure to watch.

Last week's Lancaster game that CB Daughter sat out due to an injury.

CBD at the foul line at last night's home game. Her arm is still bothering her and she still has an upper respiratory thing going on, but she played a spirited game nevertheless.  

There's another home game against Northumberland this Friday at 6.  For the three two very few locals who read, I encourage you to come out and see this talented team.  Every single player is strong.

OK, that's everything fit to print from my world. What's going on in yours?


  1. Congrats on the game(s)! I miss high school basketball. This college basketball stuff is a little too, I don't know what word to use maybe snooty, to me. I want to move down there and drive a lawn mower around town- with or without the 6 pack. Maybe a wine rack.

  2. Go team! And I agree, there's no reason they couldn't toss out a few burgers ... BBQ might get sloppy ... and i too adore VWs

  3. I'm sorry to hear her arm is still bothering her, but I was glad to see her on the court!! She played awesome last night!! Hope she feels better very soon. Tracey

  4. Oh no! What happened? That parade needs to be featured in a documentary. The end.

  5. What a wonderful holiday tradition! (Hope your girl's arm is feeling better! Congrats on all the wins!)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    Hey, absolutely there needs to be a ride-on mower on this county seal !! i hope you do not know the person who designed this "logo", because I don't want to step on any toes...but it's a pretty poor design with a sickly tree and--a ship skeleton (?) Not sure..a mower would be so much better, and the slogan could then be, " Ride On ! " with a fist raised, in county-ride fervor.
    If CB daughter continues in her b-ball career, maybe she will get a scholarship to Stanford U to play on their great women's team some day. (I know the Lady Vols or some other team may be better at times, but we are speaking of the future). Then maybe you would have to travel out here for momma-daughter visits!

  8. Good to see all your photos. Glad your daughter can play again. It is hard being out of things at this time of the year. Finding it a little weird having (a very minor dose of) shingles, and still not allowed to drive. Leading a slower life than usual! But was nice to see the family anyway!

  9. Love the parade pics..and why can't they throw cheeseburgers? There would be adults pushing the kids out of the way to get to them:)

    So sorry about CBW daughter's arm and respiratory problems - they don't seem to keep her down though!
    Best of luck in their game!

  10. 1. Yes, I think you should bite the bullet and get a new camera.

    2. I agree with LLC. There needs to be a lawn mower on the seal.

    3. I always thought Santa used a lawn mower to pull his sleigh.

    Great pics.

  11. -DJ-Snooty is no good. If you move down here, I will join you in your lawn mower outings about town. Nobody could accuse us of being snooty...

    -Daryl-I think BBQ wrapped properly would be fine tossed to the crowd. They really need to consider this for next year.

    -Tracey - Thank you. Her arm is (very) slowly improving but her cold/upper respiratory thing is not. She refuses to see the doctor though. Thinks she can tough it out. We shall see...can't wait for tomorrow night's game!

    -MPM-She fell hard in the first home game and her arm swelled up - no bruising, nothing broken, just lots of swelling and lots of pain.

    -TSA-Thank you!

    -LLC-Don't worry, I don't know who designed the seal, and I agree it could use some improvement, up to and including the addition of the lawn mower. I really like your way of thinking about the basketball. Would love to make some trips to California. Haven't been since I worked for MCI and they sent me out there on business. That was circa 1990...

    Annie-So sorry to hear about the shingles, I know that can be very painful. Glad you were able to spend time with your family though.

    deborah-Thank you, I knew someone would see the cheeseburger vs. candy cane thing my way.

    DGH-Three Things! Thank you.

    Thanks, everyone.


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