Monday, December 10, 2012

Holly Ball

My daughter and her date.
Yes, she's taller.
Bless his heart.

Saturday was a busy day if you were a parent of teens in Mathews County. I happen to be the parent of two teens, so I was doubly stressed busy.

First there was the Christmas parade. I'll show those pictures later in the week.

Then there was the Holly Ball, which is a formal high school dance that wasn't invented when I went to Mathews High School back in the late '70s and early '80s.

Among other things that weren't invented yet were computers, cell phones, I-things, internet, fruit roll ups, reality TV shows, cable TV, and indoor plumbing electricity.

After all the requisite fuss and ado to prepare for this outing, Son took off in one direction to pick up his date (who is from Essex), and Daughter and I went to a friend's pre-dance gathering.

With the exception of the first girl on the left, these young ladies
have been together since preschool, which was only yesterday. 

Now look at them.  (Sniff.)

They're growing up too so fast.

Did I mention my daughter had a DATE? 
(He is adorable and very nice. He texted her several times
the day after the dance to let her know 
he had a good time.  Bless his heart.)

I still cannot believe this is happening.
Young adults emerging right before
 my bloodshot  eyes.

After sending Daughter off with her date to the dance, I scurried home to meet Son, his date, and another couple who was with them.

Son's date was gorgeous.  And all smiles.

I know I'm the mother and more than 
slightly biased, but are these two beautiful or what?

After they left for the dance, I hung out with two other mothers who successfully distracted me from all the worrying and fretting I would have done if I were home alone.

I am thrilled to announce that we all survived the 2012 Mathews High School Holly Ball.



  1. You certainly have a beautiful daughter and a handsome son! Lasting memories were made by all (even if it was stressful for you).

  2. O.M.G. doesn't even BEGIN to cover it...WOW!! They are SO grown up and beautiful :/ It's official, CBW. We. Are. Old. The End.

  3. They .. both CBS and CBD ... and their respective dates and friends are indeed very grown up and adorable!

  4. I can still see CBS's cute little two-year old face when I look at this picture. He can't be 17. He just can't. Because that would mean Jake is 17. And he can't be. He just can't!!

  5. KG - It is wonderful to hear from you! I'd love to see pictures of your two. It's really hard to believe they are young adults. Really. Hope you all are doing well, tell everyone hey.

  6. Beautiful children on their first step to adulthood, and beautiful memories being made. I don't think you have anything to worry about, but as the wonderful parent you are, you will.

  7. Love these! Janice, they are the cutest ever! You should be very proud! <3 Liz

  8. Thanks, Liz! Thanks, DGHawk, and thanks, everyone.

    I just adore these two.

  9. Isn't there something we can do to stop these children from turning into adults? If you figure it out, let me know. I've got one driving himself around and another on the verge. And the almost-8 year old helped me purge a bunch of his toddler toys to give away via Freecycle.

    Your kids are gorgeous! You are rightly proud ,Mama.


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