Thursday, December 6, 2012

Three Things

It's Thursday, and I happen to be posting, so I declare today Three Thing Thursday.  Three Ring Circus Three Thing Thursday is where we are free to list three completely random (or related, it doesn't matter) thoughts.  Anything at all, in no particular order.  Whatever is on your mind.

I'll go first.

1.  Yesterday at 8:00 a.m. we were told by Dr. K. to travel to Gloucester's Guinea General Walter Reed Hospital for X-rays for Chesapeake Bay Daughter's arm.  We stayed in Gloucester for approximately three days three hours until we heard the results. The great news is her arm isn't broken! The bad news is she can't play in tonight's game against Lancaster--the same team we played Friday night where she took the fall. She has to wear a sling for a week but hopefully will be good as new soon.

2. Due to all of yesterday's running around, worrying about broken bones and all, I failed to get out to take new photos.  As the sun was going down, I contemplated hopping in the car and driving to Gwynns Island to get some sunset shots, but I realized the sun was sinking too fast.  So I went into the back yard and snapped the ones above of Queens Creek.  Nothing spectacular, but it was very serene.

3.  Last night for the first time I heard the song Hurricane Waters by an artist I'm starting to like,  Citizen Cope.  (He's not hard on the eyes.) It's my new favorite song even though it is almost a decade more than a few years old.  It's as good as new to me.   Click here to hear it.     I'll be playing this one to death, in fact I've already played it five times while putting the finishing touches on this blog post. (Baby Sis, you've been forewarned. You'll be hearing this a lot next time you visit.)

Now it's your turn.  Tell me three things. Or one.  Or two. Whatever tickles your fancy.

(p.s. I have a Finnish friend who sometimes gets her English sayings mixed up.  She would have said, "Whatever tickles your fantasy."  She also says stuff like, "I wouldn't trust him with a ten foot pole.")


  1. So glad CBW daughter's arm will be okay - hate that she has to miss a few games- but still better to miss a few than the whole season...
    We (me and the hub) are sitting with my father-in-law at night now. His father had a hard fall, was in the hospital for 12 days, and now needs around the clock care due to the onset of dementia. What an adventure, trying to stay awake all night and trying to sleep a few hours during the day. So glad right now I have insomnia:)

  2. 1. Glad it isn't broken, make sure she ices! I could never seem to get Midge to ice anything. The Brat Child on the other hand wants ice (aka a bag of frozen mixed veggies) for a splinter.

    2. For those of you who read this blog with children looking at colleges, whatever you do, don't send them to Wilkes University. Trust me- even with a 10 foot pole.

    3. If I do not get some serenity soon I might start going all Godzilla on some unsuspecting town.

  3. 1. Glad for bones that are not broken!!
    2. Wondering if I could bring kiwi to the parade on Saturday.
    3. Enjoying the thought of being off two weeks at Christmas...just might be enough time to get house in line. (not really, because I'm sure I can find some other adventure and trouble)

  4. 1. Glad to hear she's doing well.
    2. I am tired, which I am often am at the end of the day. We're having pizza for dinner. Easy peasy.
    3. I am so looking forward to having 2 1/2 weeks off for Christmas.

  5. 1. if it's 11pm, it must be Kitty Fight Club Time! They wait till things are settling down, then ram from one end of the house to the other. It's amusing.

    2. Our animal welfare league let me buy two $50 certificates to have them spayed. I'm told the only add'l cost is the pain medication for the surgery. Which is good, because when I called our current vet to inquire as to the cost, they told me $400 each. EACH!! I was like, how about a loyal customer discount? She said, um, no. So I said, they're rescued barn cats, I'm not spending that much on them.

    3. Seriously thinking of baking cookies this weekend. Because it's what we do this time of year.

  6. So glad the arm is not broken. I do follow along on Facebook but it's good to get the full story.

    1. My lungs are trashed, but it's almost Christmas and I'm so accustomed to this pattern I could probably set it to music. Bah!
    2. It's raining in Seattle.
    3. I think about you more than you think I do! And it's all good.

  7. 1. Glad the bones are OK for cbw daughter.

    2. Staying with the little family, and seeing the other little family as well tomorrow for an early Christmas get together while they are "up the coast". (That means up here at the Sunshine Coast)!

    3. The other little family from Melbourne comes to visit in January. The bi-annual family get together of the nine grandchildren is not far away! Yay.

    4. Getting the hang of a few things re my new laptop at last, and now that I have downloaded all 450 photos, one by one via bluetooth from my cell phone (3 years worth) I have now bought myself a new camera! Woo Hoo.

    5. Happy Weekend CBW.

  8. Forgot to say that those first couple of photos were just beautiful. Worthy of postcard status, or even hanging on a wall!


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