Monday, January 14, 2013

The Chimney

Last week my friend Waterman JP asked me if I wanted to take some pictures of places he discovered wandering around the woods of Mathews during hunting season. Of course I said yes.

The first spot is off of the road I normally jog down, Route 614.

There, trying its best to pretend to be just another pine tree, was a chimney.

I'd never seen this before even though I've jogged past it a million times.

I'm usually peering through the trees on the other side of the road, where a few abandoned houses hide.

After this stop we headed towards Bethel Beach to a swamp another hidden beauty in an area I've been by a million times.  I'll show those pictures next.


In other news, my daughter's basketball team remains undefeated after a very close match against Nandua Saturday night. Nandua is over in Europe on the Eastern Shore, a not so long boat ride but one heckuva commute by car.  We'll be traveling there in a few weeks for the away game. Hopefully the difference in score will be much greater than it was Saturday night.

Otherwise I may need prescription medication.

Completely nerve wracking. But also lots of fun.

There is another home game tonight at 6.


  1. While large point spreads are easier on the blood pressure, close games are much more fun to watch. I miss high school basketball. And I want to see that chimney in person

  2. That chimney has stories to tell. I wish I could come to the game!!! xoxo

  3. Do you know Johnny Dixon? He tells great stories about how they actually took the football team to the ES by boat in the 40's. Imagine the permission slips today!


  4. oh for a minute i thought she's going to post pix of that silo that got demolished .. DUH ..big city 'gal' doesn't know a silo from a chimney ... yes i do so!!!

  5. Nice pix. My son used one of your blog entries as a source for an essay he wrote on shipbuilding. :)

  6. AMN - I'd actually prefer going there by boat, though not necessarily on a choppy day.. .


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