Wednesday, March 6, 2013


At the end of Old Mill Landing Road in Onemo, 

to the left of the public landing, 

are a few dead docks.

And one less than lively boat.

Despite the age and instability of this particular dock

and the boat,

they cling and are bound to each other by this rope.

Before I veer off on a tangent about any symbolism here,
I will just say that I enjoyed taking these pictures
at a time when the tide was much lower than usual.


There's lots going on this week including CB Daughter's 
basketball banquet,a possible trip to Northern Virginia for work, 
soccer scrimmages, and a storm that will either bring lots of rain 
or lots of rain.  There doesn't seem to be any hope of snow.

Perhaps the Only Person Hoping for Snow
in a Forecast Loaded with Rain


  1. Hoping for NO MORE RAIN here, after forty days and forty nights of it.
    They say a new cyclone is forming off the coast tomorrow. We DON'T NEED ANY MORE Thank you!
    No chance of snow here.
    my three things, early, or late..

  2. That's my boat thank you, and I'm taking it in the snow/rain today and fish between the signs!If that's ok with you? Would you like to go! LOL Put the chains on your tires if you are heading up north in the next few day! Soccer (good for the brain good for the heart good for the parents that worry a lot) Don't know were that came from! MM

  3. School is closed although it's only raining so far, but high winds. It could change soon and that's why it closed. They say maybe 6 inches and if that's so, it's the only real snow we'll have this winter. So I'll take the snow day, thank you very much ~

  4. onemo ... is that like a spike lee joint name? was it originally called una mass?

    sigh .. snow .. thats what the weather people say is headed our way ...

  5. Blargh, we were supposed to get INCHES of snow and all we ended up with was a wet slushy muddy mess. Phooey. Oh well, I guess we can put the shovels away once again (I'd already given up on snow once this winter).


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