Monday, March 18, 2013


Aarons Beach 2011

Queens Creek 2012

Yesterday I tinkered with the template of my blog, so if it looks different that is why.  It may change again, who knows. However, based on my ardent aversion to change of any sort, I doubt much will happen for the next ten years until there is an absolute requirement to do so.

Speaking to fear of change, this weekend my son, watching me hiss and spit at the frustration that comes with trying to tap out a text message on my circa 2004 flip phone, asked, "Mom.  Why?"  The implied rest of that sentence has to do with why in the world I'm still using the abacus of the cell phone world when calculators are a dime a dozen. I don't have an acceptable answer to that question.  If the phone breaks, I will be forced to get a new one. Until then, I am too scared ridiculous to upgrade to a new/better one. However, my one and only goal for 2013 was to upgrade, so I need to reconsider my stance on this topic.  

Anyway, the fact that I did change the blog template is really something and is the result of the comments on Friday's post about how I could have bigger photos if I only made this simple change.  

So I did. 

Next is a confession.  These photos are from 2011 and 2012, because I had no time to take new photos over the weekend.  Plus it was raining most of the time. Plus I was gone most of the weekend.  Plus I am still trying to recover from it all.

There is quite a story to tell from Saturday involving four members of the Chesapeake Bay Family and their struggle to arrive at and survive a basketball tournament in another part of the state the upper reaches of the Northern Neck.  However, that story requires more time and attention than I have to spend as I write this, so I'll save it for later in the week.  The title should be A Comedy of Errors, which not coincidentally could also be the story of my life title of my biography.

Also, yes, I'm still talking about basketball even though the end of season banquet has come and gone and I'm now focused on my daughter's mad soccer skills.  It's all part of the story.

My mother could also write a blog post with her version of the day's events.  If she hasn't written one already I might ask her to do so and we can compare notes.

Until then, have a great week.

 p.s. I think this new format is too wide, so I'll be fixing that soon.

(Soon in my world = Who Knows When.)


  1. I do hope you had a good time at your 'comedy of errors'!
    Neverending with children - we are doing our best not to offer advice to our youngest who is going to have a destination wedding and is in the midst of buying his first home. Nail biting times =
    Have a good week!

  2. No, it's not too wide. It's that wide so you can make your photos larger. In blogger, when you post a photo, it says "small, medium, large, x-large" and you can now do x-large.
    And it didn't matter anyway, because my x-large pix hang out over the edge and into the airplane background, and nobody has complained, not even once.
    Now, to basketball. I have been invited by my husband to join the refs for their end-of-season pigout at Boston Pizza, but not because I'm so much fun and cute and all. It's because they have a female ref now, too, so the guys feel forced to invite their wives because it's not just a grunt-grunt-pizza-beer male bonding session.
    Is this progress? I don't know. Do you know?

  3. I'm not a fan of change either. I'm having fits over the changes going on in my little part of Deltaville- courtesy of the tornado. Funny how I love going to the beach so much seeing how it changes on a constant basis- storm after storm. That's getting too philosophical for me on a Monday morning. Can't wait for next month!

  4. leave it like this ... its easy to read and the photos look nice

  5. I like the new template... and I think you should upgrade to a smartphone. Really. Once you have one you will wonder what you ever did without it. I have a smartphone through work, but I still carry my "dumb phone" with my personal number (also from the previous decade but hey, it works). Later this year I hear we may be able to trade in the smartphones and receive a phone allowance to help subsidize our personal phones. I would love to just have one number and one device: One that begins with an "i".

  6. I don't think it's too wide, per se. If you can make the photos even bigger, it would be perfect.

    When I had my Picture a Day blog, I would upload my photos to Flickr and use the html code to copy and paste to the html section of the post when I was creating it. I use Windows Live Writer now which is extremely easy and I can make my photos any size I wish. I don't have to stick with a small, medium, large, etc.

    We all have to live with change. It's one thing in our lives that will never um, change ~

    Upgrade to a new cell phone. You will be happy. I promise! (after you figure it out a little bit)


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