Thursday, April 11, 2013

Daffodil Festival. Still.

Yes, here are more pictures from last weekend's Daffodil Festival in Gloucester.  Sorry for not changing subjects the past few days, but it's been busy here in Chesapeake Bayville.

First and foremost, the weather has been in the very sunny 80s most of the week.  Yesterday at Daughter's soccer game the temperature hit 90 degrees as we hit the school parking lot. (They lost 2-0.) The warm weather--and the looming prospect of a half-marathon in Nashville in the near future--induced me to exercise in the evenings.  I was mortified at how much endurance I've lost from being  lethargic sedentary the past few months.

With the warm weather providing the much needed jump start, I accomplished quite a bit:

  • Picked up four thousand pine cones
  • Cut the back yard 
  • Used the leaf blower to remove the top layer of pine needles from my back deck
  • Discovered parts of my deck are rotting.  Don't want to talk about it.  
  • Took all my ailing plants outside for their first watering since September some sunshine and water.
  • Moved the stepladder out of my foyer. It's been there for over three weeks from changing an air filter in a dining room vent so high up you need a space suit and oxygen tank to breathe properly.
  • (I moved the ladder outside.  It's standing on the deck outside my bedroom.  Out of sight, out of mind. I could not face the disaster that is my garage, where the ladder is typically stored.)
  • Transported the last of the Christmas and Easter decorations back down to the dungeon basement. After all, it is April. An Easter wreath, however, still hangs on the fence post at the end of my driveway.  Who wants to wager it will still be there come July 4?
  • Did three loads of laundry.
  • Cleaned out the refrigerator.  
  • (Cleaning the refrigerator was worse than all the above mentioned chores combined, by the way.)

In spite of these accomplishments, there is still much left to do.  

In other news, my father burned the shoreline this week when I wasn't home, so there is no photographic evidence. Click here for last year's version of this annual display of pyrotechnics also known as choking the neighbors with smoke.

What's going on in your neck of the woods?


  1. Well! CB Father is back to his active, risk-taking self again...the photos are bright and most welcome to look at...and level of "awww" adorable-ness is over the top of the little one encountering Elmo.
    And props to the tyke for not being terrified of a 6 foot fuzzy red entity.(Have you ever seen the photos of the disturbing Easter Bunny costumes ?)

  2. A week and I'll be preparing to head to the 'Ville for some relaxation. It's much needed. Right now I'm waiting for the doctor's office to open so I can take the Brat Child in for what I'm certain is strep. I have t worked a full week in weeks because of one ailment or another. I just got a new tiller. Assembly is required. I'm tempted to attempt assembly myself instead of waiting for Big E to help. Is it the 19th??

  3. I am gonna have to cheer you on from the sidelines :(

  4. where did all those people come from? is Mathews busing 'em in from Gloucester?


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