Friday, April 19, 2013


Queens Creek

A couple of days ago as I was fixing breakfast for Son and Daughter, I glanced out the kitchen window and was greeted by the sun, who waved hello on its way to work for the day.

(Not only is the sun beautiful, but it's super friendly, too.)

This weekend is the Mathews High School prom.  Son is going with a friend from kindergarten.  If I don't burst into tears during the photo shoot, I hope to have some pictures to share next week.

(These would be happy tears mixed with just a few sad ones that come from the knowledge that in one more blink he'll be out of high school and venturing into a new world. The speed demon known as time never ceases to amaze me.)

Have a great weekend.


  1. " Turn around and he's two, turn around and he's four, turn around and he's a young man heading out of the door"...I feel ya, kid !
    I am at the stanza:" Turn around, turn around, turn around and he's a young man with babes of his own"--thank you, Malvina Reynolds.
    That beautiful sun will continue to rise next year, as it is doing now.

  2. My favorite (sun rise on Queens Creek)...great photos my friend!!
    Ah the Prom ,take plenty of pictures for him ,all though He may think you are over doing it. He will appreciate in later years!! Your a great Mom!!! Hope your Daughters injury is healing up!!! Enjoy this weekend !!MM

  3. jusr beautiful!
    time does fly...this weekend will be my niece's final prom as she will graduate in a few weeks, a nephew will be married (same day - logistics nightmare but that is beside the point)
    Take as many photos as you can, prom is such a special time!

  4. i love that the sun rises waving to you .. its as it should be .... prom .. oh my ...

  5. What a splendid show! Hold him tight. I'll be there when he flies the nest, just like you were for me. xoxo

  6. There's nothing like the sun rising over water, unless you count the sun setting over water, as I used to have on the west coast.
    Going to the prom with a friend from kindergarten — that is awesome, and sure to be an emotional photo shoot.
    When my youngest brother was graduating from high school, Mom and I both had fits when he said was going stag. So he said, "My friend Chris has a sister, I guess I could take her."
    And they are still living happily ever after.

  7. I miss spring mornings on the Piankatank. Especially this week.

  8. Beautiful pics!

    I think I can just see my boat's mast in the second pic. I really need to get up there soon to de-winterize the engine and take her out for a sail!

    An I'm right there with you - my older daughter is just wrapping up her freshman year at college - my wife and I had a few small boo-hoos when she left to go live in the dorm last year. Our younger one is a freshman in high school...

  9. It is truly beautiful where you live. And this - right outside your door.


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