Friday, May 17, 2013


This is the seventy thousandth yet another post featuring my (and Deltaville Jamie's) favorite tree at Aaron's Beach.


This weekend is shaping up to be another fun one.  Middle Sis is flying in from Georgia and will attend Daughter's final soccer game tonight.  Baby Sis may join us at some point Saturday. The weather has finally warmed up, hopefully for good. There's plenty to be happy about.

Have a great weekend.


  1. Thanks CBW, I will. Last w'e in the old house..plenty of work to do!
    Sounds like you will have a great w'e too!

  2. Love that next to last shot. I'm heading down for Memorial Day Weekend and I CAN. NOT. WAIT. Last night I actually thought this weekend was Memorial Day weekend, I can't express how disappointed I was when I realized I had to wait another whole week. Good luck to CBD in her game!

  3. Glad for the happiness factor. That's a great tree.


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