Friday, June 21, 2013

Scenes from Queens Creek

June 2012

May 2011

May 2010

May 2009

Here we are welcoming yet another weekend.  Although I don't necessarily want these beautiful summer days to fly by, each day that does puts me closer and closer to my vacation, which begins next weekend.

It's the one week of the year I live for.

Son returns home from Boys State this weekend, and Daughter and I will be very glad to see him.  She's been a little bored, and I've been..I don't know what.  Melancholy is one word.  Pensive is another.

Daughter and I did take advantage of this disruption to our crazy life routine to spend some quality time together.  Wednesday night we had dinner at the local Mexican restaurant and watched her favorite movie, Silver Linings Playbook, which is fast becoming one of my favorites.  Last night we drove to Kilmarnock on a whim and had some Thai food.  Eating out twice in one week is unheard of for us.  But we needed something to distract us.

Except for the rainbow pictures, I've not taken any new/recent shots, so I dove into the archives and found these.

I hope your weekend is as peaceful and relaxing as these views from my back doorstep.


  1. Love the photos,especially the black & white one. Many moons ago, I was living in the Carmel, CA region and my family signed up for an artists' studios tour. The final tour was held at Ansel Adams' home studio, located south of Carmel in the Highlands.
    He was a gracious and soft-spoken host, and had a huge studio with floor-to-ceiling, built-in closets filled with photographic supplies from Kodak. I had been a fan of his photography for years prior to the tour, and was over the moon to meet him at his studio.
    I completely understand the mixture of feelings about CB son's imminent leave-taking.

  2. you live in such a beautiful place!
    so glad you had a good week with CBD...and glad that your vacation is so close (ours is 2 weeks from now - after my son's wedding we are going to spend a few more days)
    wishing you a relaxing weekend

  3. beautiful photos!!!!


  4. have a great weekend!! MM


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