Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Milford Haven

For  what feels like three weeks the third day in a row, my internet provider seems to be trying to kill me testing my patience.  Service has been intermittent since Sunday.

Here's a blog post with minimal words simply because I have to post while I can, and at least I was able to load these few pictures.

If you're in Mathews and see a mushroom cloud forming over the 23076 zip code and Queens Creek vicinity, you'll know the internet provider has pushed me and my very limited patience too far.

Hope your week is going better than mine well.


  1. Hope your internet provider is behaving better today. Love your photos, as always. Ironic that yesterday's gorgeous photos were about rope and today your ISP has you at the end of your rope. Hope they get their act together and treat you a lot better, starting now.


  2. These photos with the old ice house in the background are great. I set a line of crab pots between the ice house and the CG station one year. Caught a lot of peelers if I remember correctly. Thanks for the warm memories!!!

  3. Betsy, it's better today, I think all the troubles are fixed. (***knocking on wood)

    Pastor Dan - my father worked at that ice plant back in the..oh...fifties? I love taking its portrait, it photographs well. Thanks for commenting.



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