Friday, August 23, 2013

Dirt Lane

The other day, after dropping off Daughter at cross country practice,

I drove down the Glebe for the first time in 

a month of Sundays

a while.

I wanted to check on a soybean field that I adore.

It is still there.

So are the outbuildings adorning its edges.


Have a fantastic weekend.


  1. Oh, how pretty. You know where all the good fields are.

  2. We drove by lots of pretty fields on the Eastern shore of MD and DE on the way to and from our 24 hour whirlwind to Dewey Beach! Agriculture is alive and well in the Bay region.

  3. Yes...that field and the red outbuildings are worth searching for! Thanks for the beautiful photography; have a great weekend and hopefully it won't involve lots of driving.


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