Friday, August 30, 2013

Long Weekend

These were taken at sunrise from Aaron's Beach.

Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Sunrise. Oh, glorious. I almost always sleep through it these days.
    Hope your mother has quite recovered from her dental awfuls.
    Maybe we can stage a chat on FB or on e-mail soon.
    Luv, K

  2. I always have good intentions to get up early and drive to Aaron's Beach for the sunrise. It's never happened. Maybe this weekend. This morning I woke up at 4am wide awake and all I thought about was if I was in the 'Ville I could drive over to the beach and get those pics. I played Candy Crush instead

  3. beautiful sunrise!
    enjoy every moment of your long weekend- I hope you have some time to do nothing at all!

  4. Ah, great, a long weekend. Lovely. Hope you make the most of it, I am sure you will.

  5. Hope your weekend was a fine one, my friend.


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