Thursday, September 19, 2013

Three Things

Welcome to Three Thing Thursday, where I share three thoughts and encourage you to do the same.  Three is merely a suggestion, there are no hard and fast rules here.

I'll begin.

1. Yesterday, in preparation for Blog Fest 2013, I spent five solid hours dejunktifying my upstairs bedrooms (two of which belong to my teenagers, who evidently love living in squalor mountains of old school papers and half-empty water bottles).

2.  Do not consult your dictionaries, dear readers because dejunktify is so a word. I've been using it for years now, especially in To Do lists for my children. "1. Dejunktify your rooms. 2. See #1. 3. I said dejunktify, please."  Evidently they're unclear on the precise meaning of this word, because the amount of dejunktifying I did yesterday tells me they've not focused on it since they were born in a very long time.

3. I absolutely adore surprises, and yesterday after the marathon dejunktifying session and an away cross country meet (where daughter broke her own personal record!), I dragged up the front steps to find a package from a good friend I met through this blog.  It contained Kona coffee, a candle, wine, and cocktail napkins that will be perfect for this weekend's festivities. Have I mentioned how much I love surprises?

That's it from me.  Now it's your turn to share three thoughts.

Whatever is on your mind.

Anything at all.


  1. So enjoying my sister coming to visit. Wonderful.

    Looking forward to a new grandchild arriving soon.

    Still enjoying looking after the other two littlies. Fun.

    Glad to hear you got some de-junking done. Last minute efforts sounds so like my style. Is what I should be doing here.

    Happy belated wishes to your parents on an amazing 50 years! Well done!

  2. 1. I'm trying to figure out how to can some red pepper jelly, bake 2 loaves of chocolate chip zucchini bread, get the brat child's hair cut, take the brat child out to sell popcorn, dejuntify my van and pack for the weekend. All tonight. And also get a good night's sleep (which doesn't happen on a good day) so I can drive 5 hours after work in traffic with only a 7 year old for company. Oh and call a woman about her haunted house to set up an investigation.

    2. I need a swift kick in the pants. Or jumper cables. Maybe not jumper cables since it just occurred where they'd be attached. So maybe just some Lithium batteries to lick.

    3. for some reason the chorus to the Beastie Boys song "Brass Monkey" started playing in my head. "Brass Monkey - that funky Monkey Brass Monkey - junkie That funky Monkey" I'd attempt to explain the path my brain took to get from licking batteries to the Beastie Boys but I'm not certain you could follow along.

  3. well lets see .. up to my big brown eyes in work ... managed to get past hating the new iPhone operating system update and i am looking forward to relaxing after an off-site conference wraps up, wishing i could be there for the blogfest but i cant ... xo


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