Thursday, October 24, 2013

Three Things

Another Thursday is here, and that means it's time to share three things or thoughts, however random.  Also, three is merely a suggestion based on the fact that it goes with Thursday.  If this were Wednesday, I'd call this One Word Wednesday.  Four Fears Friday.  Seven Secrets Saturday.  It's all about alliteration, although I am really liking the thought of sharing seven secrets no matter what day it is.  Maybe another  time.

Anyway, I'll go first. Here are my three things.

1.  I made homemade bread last night.  It wasn't awful; in fact Son and Daughter ate one whole loaf. (No bread machine, all by hand.)

2.  As a rule I avoid bread. It makes me feel awful, lethargic, unwell. I do not need any outside assistance feeling lethargic.  I was born ready for a two-hour nap.

2b. Lethargy is why I drink tons of coffee and iced tea, but never after, say, 10:00 a.m.  I load up early in the day and then coast on the caffeine until the after-lunch desire to sleep for three hours, which comes no matter how much caffeine has been consumed.

2c. Speaking of coffee, I bought a French press, which makes outstanding coffee in limited quantities, albeit with some degree of labor and patience not required of regular coffee makers. I'll use it mostly on the weekends when there's more patience time and less pressure to get out the door in a hurry.

3.  This weekend I will attend an oyster roast at my friend Glenda's house.  I'm bringing my camera and my throat lozenges, because if this is like any other similar gathering I'll be laughing until my throat is raw.  Several high school friends and their families will be in attendance.  I can't wait.

That's it from here.  If you have three or more or fewer thoughts--or even secrets--to share, please feel free.

Happy Friday Eve.


  1. I suddenly panicked, "Oh, no, I thought it was Wednesday!"
    And it was. All day. Now it is after midnight, so it isn't too late for me to go out Thursday evening. In fact, it is rather early.
    Is that three things?
    Not really.
    1. I have to remember to get some nailpolish remover. I think about it a lot, especially when I'm looking at my toes, but I've been in the drugstore twice this week without buying any.
    2. I have to go to the hardware store, too, to get another nightlight for our old semi-blind dog. Dick says she saw deer today, but only when they moved. She was very excited, and wanted to run with them. When he told me, we both cried.
    3. I know, it's harder on us than it is on her, but when she bumped into me accidentally this evening, I almost cried again.
    I'm trying to figure out how to get all of the furniture out of the dining room, removed the carpet, put down easy-to-clean flooring, and get the furniture back all in one day. I think, instead, I'll have her stay with her good friends for a couple of days until we put the furniture back where she expects it to be.
    Hi to your mom and dad.
    Luv, K

  2. A rather warm day here in the subtropics. A little too humid for me.

    I think I own a house. In a retirement village. It is a rather old house but very nice. Can't wait to get settled. Close to my daughter and close enough to the beach. And if I go for a little walk I can either swim in one of two pools or look at the ocean.

    Having a grand daughter stay for a week, up from the south. I better take her to the beach for another swim tomorrow before her Dad comes to collect her after his conference. It's been fun. And exhausting. Especially when the 7 year old and the two year old are together. Oh and the five year old and the seven year old ...not to mention them all together!!

  3. 1. We're having a zombie themed baby shower this weekend. What's surprising is we aren't the first people to have a zombie themed baby shower.

    2. I haven't bothered to take the nail polish off my toes either. And I'm still wearing flip flops so I'm looking and feeling rather unpolished altogether.

    3. I'm not ready for this cold weather. It means needing to prepare the garden and the chickens for frost. Neither of which I have the time or the interest in doing right at the moment.

    3b. I was interviewed for a column in Urban Farmer magazine because I seemed the interesting sort because I am a gardening chicken herding paranormal investigator. I find this more than a little amusing.

  4. 1. My Sunday league tennis team won our division last week and our playoffs start this weekend. It's single elimination from here, but if we win we have three more matches until city finals. I've won division on teams many times and have not made it to City with this league yet. (This is Atlanta ALTA.) I play line 1 on this team and the rules are very strict about player movement. In fact, for play-offs, the coordinator has to approve the line-ups in advance of the match to make sure that you're putting your stronger players are line 1, etc. This is related to bullet #2. BTW, first play-off match is Saturday at 1pm.

    2. Yesterday morning, my daughter-in-laws step-father passed unexpectedly. Massive heart attack.....died instantly. Very sad.....funeral is Saturday. My selfish thought.....Ouch...I cannot play in the first play-off match! And I'm Line 1....argggggh. Right now, I live and breathe's my outlet from sitting on my a$$ all day, pushing paper in the paying job. But, it's my step-son's wife's step-father, and I must go and pay my respects. Sorry, I know I sound selfish.

    3) So, last night, I was driving over to pick up step-son's dog, to keep him while they are staying with his Mother-in-law who is the sweetest woman on earth. And I thought to myself....if I died tonight, what would I want people to do/think? Hmmmm....I'd want my tennis team to keep playing and be more aggressive at the net this weekend, in my honor. I would want my family to get together and laugh about the fun stuff that we did. I would want some of my old personal training clients to get off of the couch and work out, then have a glass of wine. I'd want my neice and nephew to enjoy the little things, not stress out, and have fun, but not dangerous fun.... And for God's sake, I'd want them to have a job that is somewhat enjoyable once they finish school. I'd want everyone to forge on! Not get together and cry and do a funeral. Just keep going and have fond memories. Go on vacation or shopping or something......

    That's all!

    Middle Sis

  5. I want a coffee press! I drink coffee all day and ice coffee at night. I think I've built up an immunity to caffeine because I sleep like a baby....a snoring baby at that.

    Three thing Thursday?
    I'm making cookies for my son-in-law.
    I'm packing for a three day get-a-way, with my son-in-law.
    I have to go fill my gas tank and get JJ over to Doggie Daycare.

  6. I almost bought a french press today... but am still trying to find a bargain price. Our coffee maker is temperamental; it only works for my husband. Stupid high-tech coffee machines.

    Glad it's Thursday! Looking forward to Friday.

  7. Meg, I picked up my French press at Target for $20 bucks. I'm sure there are fancier/better/higher-priced ones, but this one works just fine. Only complaint is it only makes the equivalent of a couple of cups (I have super-sized coffee mugs), and if you don't drink it up quickly it can turn cold fast. Part of that is because I refuse to turn my heat on, so you can see your breath in my kitchen. Perhaps in a normal household, the coffee would stay hot longer...

  8. Here is a link that will hopefully work while you stand in the freezing house with rapidly cooling coffee :

    If I win a lottery, I will hold a blogfest in Bora Bora. My dear ones and your Blog Contigent and family will all be invited and have airfare paid. I do like this restaurant...

  9. LLC, I sincerely hope you do win the lottery. This place looks fabulous. I "like" this page on Facebook and receive regular photos from that heavenly location in my Newsfeed. Yesterday they featured Sofitel's private island, which has the overwater bungalows and looks like a little slice of heaven.

  10. i did French Press for a while but the clean up was too involved ... so now we have a coffeemaker, less clean up, more servings ...


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