Thursday, November 14, 2013

Three Things

Aarons Beach

It's Thursday?  Again?  It feels like Tuesday. Maybe Wednesday. But if in fact it's Thursday, that means it's time to share three things. Three thoughts.  Three Whatever Is On Your Minds.  Keep in mind that three is merely a suggestion. Nobody will be scolded for bending the rules and sharing one, two or even twelve thoughts.

Let's begin.

1.  Today is Daughter's very last cross country practice of the season before the teams depart Friday morning for the state meet at Great Meadow on Saturday.  They've been practicing since August, so it's a bit bittersweet to see the season come to an end. Although back in August she was rather noncommittal about cross country, it is clear based on our discussion last night that she is sorry to see the season come to a close. I am too.

2.  The weather here the past two days has been way too cold. Could someone please just declare Hibernation Season until March?  All I want to do is sleep. Thank you.

3.  In spite of the above, I'm still psyched up from last weekend's half marathon.  So much so that I am contemplating adding another one to my repertoire before my next one in April, perhaps the Shamrock in Virginia Beach.  We'll see.

Now it's your turn to share three (or more) things.  Whatever is on your mind.  Anything at all.


  1. 1. Hugs and best wishes to your daughter for the upcoming meet.
    2. If you think it's cold there, you should be here. I like your hibernation idea. In fact, I've had trouble staying awake the past few days, so maybe I have a bear in my ancestry.
    3. Did you say something about a Shamrock marathon? Did you know Irishmen sometimes wear kilts, too?
    4. Dick and Lindy are both snoring already, so I guess I should get to bed. Staying awake is less important when I'm in bed.
    Hugs to your mom.

  2. Congrats on completing yet another half marathon and
    1. living to tell the tale, not to mention
    2. being psyched about it even several days later.

    You are inspiring me. We're going down to your area to see the Richmond Marathon this weekend, might even sign up for it myself next year. Gotta do it once, right?

    Congrats to your daughter. too.--Betsy

  3. 1. I don't remember what a good night's sleep is anymore, but hibernation sounds divine.

    2. I have no desire to run in a marathon half or full but I'd be happy to wait for you in the biergarten (beer garden) with all those kilted men.

    3. Your post about your marathon kilt adventure made me this of this

    4. After being in a bagpipe band, kilts no longer phase me. I've tried to talk Big E into wearing a kilt for the wedding. He said NO. He's a stubborn German. So maybe I should propose lederhosen. Oh GAWD, that image... excuse me while I pee laughing.

  4. running back/forth from office to jury duty to office i have no idea what day or date it is ...

  5. 1. Yesterday, every time I wrote the date I wrote 11/14. I guess I really wanted it to be Friday today.

    2. I'd urge caution with respect to a March race... weather could be unpredictable. Just sayin'.

    3. I, too, have been in hibernation mode. It gets to be 8pm and I'm like, bedtime? Now? Please?

  6. 1.No cross country for me..but best of luck for your daughter..
    2. It's a natural thing to be cold here in Iowa this time of year.. I always tell people..If you don't like today in Iowa wait until tomorrow.. each day is different..
    3.No problem getting to sleep but it is annoying to get up and have to go to the bathroom at 2:15 almost every night.
    Love the ocean picture.. with the waving grass..It's like it's waving and inviting me to come to the beach..I have a jar of sand that I brought back with me the last time I was at the beach..
    Have a blessed day~! ta ta for now from Iowa:)

  7. 1. I bought a new mattress set and I can't wait to go to bed tonight.
    2. I am having a get together tomorrow for movie night. I am psyched.
    3. I think it's ok to be glad and feel joy.


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