Thursday, January 30, 2014


Once upon a time in a week otherwise known as Way Too Overwhelming, Mother Nature decided to give us a snow storm.  And before this story advances any further, on behalf of my car with over 175,000 miles and my cardiovascular system with borderline high blood pressure, I'd like to take a moment to thank Mother Nature from the bottom of my heart for the gift of a few days of NO DRIVING!!! rest.

It all began Tuesday night, a night that was supposed to be spent at King and Queen High School watching a basketball game after a day of work and then physical therapy for my aching back.  Instead?

Game cancelled.  No need to drive anywhere. Instead I worked on the federal financial aid forms that are due for my son's college experience.  A trip to the dentist might have been an easier task to complete but would have required driving. Anyway, I got that hideous tedious task completed early.

The next morning I awoke to the glorious gift of no work, no school, college financial aid forms complete and no place to be, nowhere to go.

This boathouse was built by my father in the 1970s. That discolored section along the bottom length marks the high tide from various nor'easters, tropical storms and hurricanes over the years. During a good storm, you'd have to wade in knee-deep water to get onto the dock.  If you're asking why you'd ever need to do that, you're not the only one, it's to save something that might be floating away, such as a boat. (For example.)

(Notice the footprints in the slush in the foreground.)

Back when herons were called pterodactyls I was a kid, the creek froze over often.  We could walk directly across here (aka Miller's Cove of Queens Creek) without any fear of falling through.


Those footprints are from Son and Daughter. It's extremely rare that the creek 
freezes over these days. They were hoping to kill me with worry that they'd fall through the ice
for some good slipping and sliding but instead realized that even at low tide the ice wasn't strong enough.

So they shifted their Let's Kill Mother With Worry activities to the John Deere gator, which they used to pull their sled.  No teenagers were harmed during their motorized sledding activities.
Their mother's cardiovascular system also seems to have survived, just barely.

Taken from my dock

Taken from my back deck 

Mother Nature's gift keeps on giving, because school and lots of things that would otherwise require driving long distances are also on hold today.

And for this I am eternally grateful.

The End.


  1. I think you have the answer to the question of your last post. "Is it going to be spring yet?"

    Your kids have learned well from CBFather in using the Gator to scare bejeebies out of you.

    Happy you did not have to do all that driving. Interesting that you used to have mini Ice Age winters back in the day.


  2. Ah, very nice to have an imposed rest.

  3. why is it snow looks so nice there and less so here?

  4. Never mind the footprints the kids made, I want to know who made the ones on the table.
    We still have snow. Under that, we have ice.

  5. Forgot to say how much I love your photos. The snow looks so wonderful.

    And my first thought on looking at them was to remember that it was here on your blog a long while ago that I first heard the term "riparian buffer"!!! IT certainly shows up well in these photos!! ;-)

  6. Oh this is just beautiful. And I love that you had some much-deserved time off. Good for you!


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