Friday, February 14, 2014

Piankatank River

Here are a few glimpses of the Piankatank River

as seen from the end of Godfrey Bay Road near Hallieford.

It's a small beach, but it's open to the public.

It isn't hard to figure out where it begins and ends though.  
The signs are bold and brazen.
The message is abundantly clear.

Another thing that's abundantly clear--to me, anyway--is how grateful I am for this, a long weekend courtesy of Monday's federal holiday.

Daughter now has the sickness Son recently recovered from. Thank goodness she has no basketball until next week.  I'm lethargic not feeling great, but that's not unusual for this time of year.  Hopefully there is a 40-degree, sunny day just waiting to spring forth somewhere in the near future, so I can get out and do some jogging, which always makes things better. I'd really love a 60-degree day but when 20 is the new normal, 40 starts to sound pretty darn good.

This sentence post has exceeded the allotted number of numbers and therefore must come to a swift end.

I hope your weekend is warm and wonderful.


  1. Feel better sooner, both you ladies!

    Happy Valentine's Day to all in the CB family !

    My grand daughter turns 8 on Monday, so I am glad she gets a long weekend for parties and fun celebration.


  2. A foot of snow here yesterday... unless you have 4 wheel drive, the day has been entirely cancelled... except for the Valentine inspired celebrations of much that is good...

    Our average temp has been 20ish these last many weeks... teasing us with maybe 60 next week... a Godsend if it happens...

    And the days hint of lingering once again... but when long they linger in the late Spring and Summer... before the oppressive heat and humidity... that is the time to sit on my porch and rock, rock, rock

    Best to all


  3. "Piankatank" is my favorite Mathews County word. It sounds like it should be played on a banjo.
    Temperatures here today are hovering just above the freezing mark, making for some freezing and some melting, which in turn makes for a wet dog who can't decide if she wants to be in or out.
    Happy Valentine's Day to you and your wonderful family, with a special hug to your mom.
    Luv, K

  4. I like to sing that word, like this:

    Be deeeeee de-de de
    Be de-de de

    It works better with Muppets. Hope all y'all feel better soon!

  5. Lots of "tanks" in the bay region... choptank, piankatank... I know there are more... from the original native americans who populated the region.


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