Monday, March 31, 2014


This sharp little shed and plucky old plow live near a farmhouse on the approach to Beachland, one of my favorite homes in the county.

The owners of Beachland held an estate sale over the weekend. Much to my delight, they invited me to take a pre-sale peek on Thursday afternoon.

I'll share some pictures of Beachland's grounds and a story about something I found there in the coming posts.

Happy April Eve.


  1. I have a little old plow very similar to that just outside my front door in the garden. No old sheds though.

    Good to see you back again. Hope all well there.

  2. What a lovely looking little shead.

  3. Welcome back! Love these photos. Love that April is nigh. Looking forward to the greening of the world; so tired of looking at sepia-gray.

  4. hello .. where ya been? love these, wish i had been with you to take some of my own


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