This picture of Daughter was taken last summer during a spell where Son was off at This or That Camp for an extended period of time. We were practicing doing different things to take our mind off the fact that we missed him.
This week we find ourselves doing sort of the same thing, looking to each other to figure out our New Normal now that Son is happily and safely off at college.
He really couldn't be happier. And we are all thrilled for him.
We, on the other hand, had a very rough day on Saturday. It's a very long story that involves a tearful goodbye with my parents first thing; a mixed bag of emotions on the ride to Charlottesville (he was exuberant, I was a nervous wreck, Daughter didn't know what to do); a hasty drop off and departure (because there really was no need to linger); and one of the worst drives in the history of all my years of driving.
Daughter started crying as soon as she said her goodbyes, and we both were wiping tears and sobbing all the way from Charlottesville to Richmond, where we met my sister for dinner.
Also, when we got to Richmond, I became physically ill. Yep. Ill. The stress of the day, the lengthy build-up of emotions, an overload of caffeine that morning (that included three cups of coffee and 1.5 energy drinks), plus the hour of driving and crying all swirled together to cause me to get sick.
After a nap and some food later that evening I was fine.
But when we arrived home officially, the tears flowed again.
Son's doing great. Daughter is already taking over his bathroom and some of his space upstairs.
Eventually we'll adjust to this new norm. At least I know Daughter will.
For me, it's going to take a little longer.
Dropping him off was one of the hardest things I've had to do thus far. And, in two short years, it will be Daughter's turn.
If I am still blogging in two years, I predict my last blog post will be Drop Off Day for Daughter. That will be the day they finally haul me off in the padded wagon. For good.
I hope everyone else's weekend was better than mine.
I need another vacation. And possibly some prescription medication.
Or something.