Monday, August 18, 2014

The Tree

Once upon a time, a daughter tried to pretend it was an ordinary Saturday.  Instead, after jogging six miles in the Beaverlett area of Mathews, she pulled into her drive to see some major goings-on at her parents' house next door.

A dead tree that for many years towered over her parents' house now looked like an oversized fish skeleton, depending on the angle. (Look at the one below. Fish skeleton, I tell you.)

The Lady of the House was thrilled to see the tree go down.  

It took a village to get this tree down.  

CB Father, B, W, and Mother, debriefing after the tree was safely down.

Because nobody likes to be named around here, we'll just say thank you to B, Jr., and W. for their assistance in getting a huge, completely dead tree down from my parents' front yard.


Now if my 70-something father can cut the monstrosity safely into usable pieces, all will be good.


  1. It does look like a long dead fish.

  2. your parents have a lovely house and I am glad to see the giant tree skeleton down and not a threat to damage the house or property !

  3. glad it came down safely...
    hope it gets chopped up safely too.

    Loved the dead fish photo!


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