Monday, September 15, 2014

Catherine's 50th

Once upon a time, a friend named Catherine turned 50 and decided she wanted to take a two-hour cruise from Tappahannock up the Rappahannock River to Ingleside Vineyards  in we still don't know which county we were in the Northern Neck.

So she did.

She invited a group of friends, one of whom bestowed her with this hat which declared not only that she was an "old coot" (on the back) but also over the hill.  Another of her friends called her Edith Bunker, but that's not really what we're focusing on here today, pearls and actual resemblances notwithstanding.

Catherine spent much of the boat ride there and back regaling her friends with stories.  I'm here to tell you right now, if there is one person on this planet who needs her own reality TV show, it's Catherine Miller Owens.  She can spin a tale complete with hand gestures, facial expressions, perfect pauses, and just the right words to keep everyone in stitches.

To tell the truth, Catherine's story-telling motions were so lively they drew the attention of the older passengers sitting inside the boat.  I peered through the window more than a few times and caught a whole row of people spellbound--and they couldn't even hear what she was saying.

It just doesn't matter with Catherine.  She's hilarious.

Catherine, Alda and Christine

Alda and Lawrence

Catherine's husband Willie B. (making sure she didn't flail herself overboard with her hand gestures),
Catherine and Lisa

When we arrived at the winery, the disembarkation process was smooth.
Here Laura Lane, Catherine and Teresa make the trip down the dock.

The birthday girl, who is also a nurse, received what she called a "laceration" on her upper thigh in a recent boating incident. I wish I could say she was showing the crowd her laceration here,
but alas I cannot.  She was just posing for a picture.

Merlot grapes had just been harvested when we arrived at the winery.
Here, Catherine samples a few.

After a very educational talk about how the wine is made, we sampled some of the wines.
Although I'm more of a merlot fan, I liked their Chesapeake Chardonnay
best of all those sampled.

We enjoyed lunch in their lovely courtyard. There's also a very interesting museum on site.

On the boat ride back to Tappahannock, a feather boa suddenly appeared from nowhere.

And glasses.

It was a great day.

Catherine took the time on the cruise over to say what she appreciated most about each of her friends in attendance.  I'd like to say to Catherine that I appreciate her unconditional friendship.

But most of all, I think she has a true gift.  When nothing or nobody else can, she can make me laugh. She is the queen of telling stories and the queen of physical comedy.  When she mentioned going in to the winery how much she wished she could get barefoot in a barrel of grapes and stomp the heck out of them, I realized then and there that she takes after one of the greats:  Lucille Ball.

She's a one-of-a-kind mess, a comedienne extraordinaire--whether she knows it or not--and we love her.

Just as she is.

Happy 50th birthday, Catherine!

The End.


  1. That is a woman who knows how to celebrate and must be so much fun to know ! Happy birthday to CBW's friend Catherine! Friends like her are gold.
    50 is NOTHIN' are just beginning to really enjoy life. I have to find a Paul McCartney impersonator next month to sing "When I'm Sixty-Four" for my birthday, because that's how *^!#*!* OLD I will be.

  2. Sounds like a fun celebration. Love how so many of yours are by boat.

    Also love the photos in the previous post. Wonderful.

  3. Catherine is a "mess". She always brightens up the room. You guys are lucky to have kept up your friendships all these years. That is very special. Thanks for sharing!

  4. In the genes. She can't help be anything but fun! Happy Birthday Catherine. You are blessed with your group of friends enjoy each and every year with them.......they do fly by.

  5. Catherine makes you want to hang around her. Sort of like Aunt Viola. Enjoy your friends and hold their hands till the end. In our generation, once you married your friendships transferred to your husband's. I never had much in common with Husband's friends. Sigh

  6. I love Catherine! Loved the photos and the commentary. So glad it was a great day. Maria (Alda's sister)

  7. Happy Birthday wild and crazy Catherine from Allen and Lisa Sutton.

  8. Happy Birthday Catherine! You sound like a hoot and a fabulous person to have as a friend :)

  9. Looking good there in the background Willie B. Wouldn't recognize you.



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