Friday, February 20, 2015

More Snow

Much like the days that comprised this week, the photos above appear to be identical yet they are subtly distinct.

Monday was a holiday. Tuesday work was closed. Wednesday was my normal day off. Wednesday night we received just a tad more snow, enough to make leaving for work Thursday morning impossible since my new car wasn't made for icy conditions.  Another contributing factor was my scratchy, sore throat, deep chest cough and sheer exhaustion--which will likely keep me home again today.

Daughter hasn't had school all week either.

I can't remember when I was home for so many days in a row without obligations other than to nap and rest.  And shovel snow in between sweating and coughing spells.

It's brutally cold here but a reprieve is on the way.  Or so they say.

Have a great weekend.


  1. Oh my dear, do be careful with those snow shoveling sessions! In the land of freakishly high temperatures for February, I have broken my immunity streak and come down with the exact same symptoms you mention. However, there is not enough gold in the hills or tea in China to get me outside on a freezing day to wield a shovel.
    (I am 15 yrs. older, but I suspect just as likely too slothful to take on a task like that.)
    That might be good boot-camp-style athletic training for CBdaughter,no ?
    Anyway, I am glad to hear you are both hunkered down for time being and avoiding the icy roads. Feel much better sooner!

  2. We're getting ready for long drive south tomorrow (Sunday). Liking your see-thru Exhaustion.


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