Monday, April 6, 2015


Saturday a friend and I drove over to Gwynns Island for lunch at the Seabreeze, which fronts Milford Haven.

The Seabreeze is the county's only waterfront restaurant.  

The views alone are reason enough to eat there.

Since Daughter went vegetarian last year, I've not had many opportunities to indulge in a really good cheeseburger. I also can't remember the last time I've had french fries of any description, much less hand-cut ones that actually tasted like potatoes.  But I seized the moment and ordered both.

The food matched the spectacular views and the general mood of a lazy Saturday with no races to run, no track meets to attend, and no chores that couldn't be ignored for a few weeks months days longer.

The Seabreeze was one of the highlights of an entire weekend dedicated to lollygagging slowing down and appreciating the moment.


  1. For us a usual treat for one evening meal during short stay at Mad Calf Lane. Currently planning to drive down (three hours one way) on Wednesday for two nights there along the Bay.

  2. Happy Easter!! Bwahahahaha!! I miss your face...

  3. Let's hear it for lollygagging! Betsy

  4. Sometimes a do-nothing day is EXACTLY what you need. Glad you had one!!


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