Thursday, May 21, 2015


My favorite weekend of the year is finally here, and the forecast includes friends, family, food and hopefully lots of sunshine.

By Saturday evening both of my sisters and several blog friends will be here, and on Sunday a few of my friends from high school will come by for a cookout.

Son will be working most of the weekend, Daughter will be basking in the temporary freedom from school, homework and track meets, and I will be making sure everyone is doing what they're supposed to be doing:  laughing, relaxing and enjoying themselves.

Happy Memorial Day.


  1. Sounds fabulous...any photos you are so inclined to share will be sure to entertain us.
    Have fun !!

  2. CAN'T. WAIT. Weather is looking good so far!

  3. LLC- I'm sure there will be several throughout the weekend on Facebook. (Whether I want them on there or not!)

    Deltaville Jamie - The weather is going to be spectacular!

  4. over in the corner at Richardson's a few nights ago - saw a young man who looked college age - was guessing three could be you and ... Probably way wrong. We are at breakfast, The Inn at Tabb's Creek, saying goobdye to multi-day (and night) Pirkle family sibling gathering.

  5. CBW...Happy Tuesday. No incriminating photos appeared on FaceBook from your weekend. I am so disappointed.



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