Monday, July 27, 2015

Cow Point

Last evening, Middle Sister and I kayaked from my house to the mouth of Queens Creek.

On the left as you're leaving the creek is a splotch of beach known as Cow Point. It's privately owned, but on Sunday afternoons many boaters take advantage of the convergence of shallow and deep waters to back their boats up to the small sandy beach and relax in the sunshine.

Cow Point 

Across from Cow Point

My arms were sore at this point.  I don't have much upper body strength, and whatever I did have was recovering from a ropes obstacle course Daughter and I conquered during last week's vacation.

Middle Sister

Although Baby Sis and my parents were unable to join us for last week's vacation, Middle Sister, Daughter, Son and I enjoyed ourselves.  Son could only come for a few nights due to his job at Merroir, but we managed to thoroughly relax and eat well.

Now it's back to the normal routine of commutes and long work days.

It's hard to believe July is almost over.  One blink and Daughter will be in her senior year applying to college.


To read about a childhood adventure at Cow Point, click here.


  1. writing from Mathews Public Library (Memorial). Our canoe ride two days ago (from Mad Calf Lane) was a short loop at the edge of the Bay.


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