Thursday, September 17, 2015

A Market Days Tale

Once upon a time, Chesapeake Bay Woman rode to Mathews Market Days in a beautiful red chariot that was entered in the car show.

The beautiful chariot and she were born the exact same year:  1965.

Chesapeake Bay Woman's Middle Sister, who insisted on wearing a full-length black dress to what was otherwise a hot, sweltering, humid event, arrived at the car show most eager to have her photo taken.

Chesapeake Bay Woman obliged.

The car show was great.

There were many beautiful cars.

And some characters.

Speaking of characters...

Anyone else see anyone else wearing a full-length black dress? No. You don't.

Middle Sister purchased one of these carvings for her house which is down Redart.

An older sister's primary role is to torture younger siblings introduce new experiences to the younger siblings,  to encourage them to do things that may be outside their current comfort zone.

Everybody wins.

The End.


  1. Yet another year goes by without our getting down to Market Days.

  2. Re middle sis's garb, IF YOU'VE GOT IT, FLAUNT IT!

  3. Ha ha, I tend to wear strange things to occasions regardless, as long as I like the outfit...but I have never looked like THAT in a long black dress. I did used to be skinny but only 5'4" in height, whereas my mom was 5'11 in heels. (She pulled off wearing lots of dresses,if you have ever seen my mom's modeling photos on FaceBook).

    I take it that wearing a red crab hat did not go with the concept of riding in a hot red Mustang to the car show this year...looked like fun, as always.


  4. If I had been in attendance, she and I would have been wearing the same outfit. True story. I get it, Middle Sis ;) Miss you ladies! And Mama, too.


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