Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Milford Haven

Over the weekend, after a morning jog down Redart, I drove over to Gwynn's Island
to stop in on an old friend by the name of Milford Haven.

These seagulls were also saying hello to old Milford.

These were taken Saturday from the Seabreeze.

On Sunday I had lunch with a friend at the Seabreeze, which continues to make an outstanding hamburger--a rare treat for me these days.

Daughter upped and went vegetarian on me over a year ago, so I very rarely eat meat anymore myself, because, really, what's the point in fixing two meals when one will suffice?  (I'm all about efficiency.There's also a very fine line between laziness and efficiency.)  

On a day-to-day basis, I don't really miss eating meat, but every now and then a girl just has to have a hamburger, doggone it!  Or else!

And Sunday at the Seabreeze was one of those days.

I am working on an "I MUST HAVE A STEAK RIGHT. THIS. VERY. SECOND!" day.  I think the last time I had steak was...to be perfectly honest, it's hasn't been in 2016.  It's been several months.  Many.  And a craving is just a -brewin'.

But back to Daughter.  Or were we talking about Milford Haven?  Or steak?  Mmmm. Steak. No! Back to Daughter.

She was accepted early action to the University of Virginia's School of Architecture and continues to amaze me.  We're nearing the end of basketball season, and she's done an incredible job on the court as well as the classroom.

More on all this in a later post.

Right now all I am thinking about is a nice, juicy, salty steak.


  1. Congratulations to your daughter, what an accomplishment to get into UVa and the School of Architecture. Exciting future in front of her.

    Millford Haven has always been one of my favorite places. It has so many elements, from the Coast Guard Station to the Swing Bridge to the "Hole in the Wall" to Gwynns Island to......... I'll stop there. Hope you have a steak this week end !!!

  2. Jamie, hopefully my friend Ethan enjoys Seabreeze too...love that kid.

    Crazy about Blue - there is so much to love about Milford Haven. Regarding the steak, unless a miracle happens and I am invited out, a steak is sadly not in my near future. Still, a girl can dream.

  3. School of Architecture! Congratulation and I'm jealous.

  4. Our grand-niece is at U Va - music (singing), Spanish, already did semester abroad (Costa Rica).


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