Monday, March 7, 2016


Here are a few more shots from my favorite public landing.

This old boat has a perfect resting spot.

Much like the remnants of the dock in the background, the boat looks like it's seen better days.

Still, I find them both photogenic.

Speaking of resting, I did a whole lot of that this weekend.  With the exception of Saturday night when we had a nice family gathering to celebrate Son's return home for spring break, I did a whole lot of lollygagging and napping.

The next two weekends I'll be out of town, and lots of driving will be involved.  So I took advantage of Saturday's and Sunday's kind invitation to do nothing and thoroughly relaxed.

It's hard to believe spring is just about here.  

Time continues to fly by at break-neck pace.

I hope all is well in your world.


  1. a little more than a week ago we drove 2005 Prius - 11 hours down to Hilton Head Island (that Wed.) and more time driving back Sunday one week ago. Beautiful trip. It was the annual gathering for Kenya Mission network PC(USA).

  2. Looks like that boat belongs to a lollygagger !! Spring is coming, time to get ready for ants, weeds, and the John Deere !!!


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