Saturday, January 14, 2017

Snow II

After last Saturday's blizzard was all said and done, 

Sunday morning on Queens Creek looked like this.

These were taken with my new camera, which has more options and gadgets and functions and widgets than I know what to do with.  

At the moment.

But I am learning.

Slowly but surely.

Coinciding with the coldest weather of the season--and a blizzard--my heating system decided it'd had enough.  After several days of frigid indoor temperatures, I decided to move outdoors and build an igloo, which would be warmer it was determined that I need a new compressor.  

After wondering whether I should just up and move to Alaska, which surely was warmer, Mother Nature flipped the switch.  Lo and behold, the outdoor temperature raced up to the sixties, and all the snow disappeared.  

(Since I still don't have the replacement compressor yet, we're still able to ski and ice skate inside my house.)

A week later, every bit of evidence that there was a blizzard is gone.

I look forward to many more practice sessions with my new camera. 


  1. gorgeous .. i think you're a natural with an excellent eye so just point and shoot ... what camera did you get???????? xo

  2. pictures look great CBW...

    the snow looks good too!

    been more than a little warm in this part of the world
    nice to get a bit of rain and a cool change today

    Happy New Year to you all!

  3. Daryl - Thanks! It's a Canon EOS Rebel T6i, and it's intimidating but I look forward to experimenting and practicing!

    Annie-So good to hear from you! I hope all is well with you. Thanks for commenting!


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