Sunday, May 3, 2009

Silent Sunday

One morning last week as I was leaving the house, the sky told me she really wanted to be photographed from Aaron's Beach. Being the cooperative sort, off I went.

Because an old lady who could barely see above the steering wheel was going thirteen excruciating miles per hour in front of me, Due to unforeseen events, the particular sky I wanted to photograph had changed drastically and the sun was too high in the sky by the time I arrived. Aaron's Beach and my house are some distance apart, even as the crow flies.

(...especially when following a senior citizen on very narrow, windy roads.)

Ordinarily I'd never point the camera directly into bright sunshine but not wanting to waste the gas opportunity, I grew a wild hair and did it anyway. The results were better than I expected and are some of my favorites. Later in the week I'll share some more of them.

Stay tuned for the announcement of the Name That Photograph Contest winner. I can't make up my mind will let you know as soon as possible.

Have a great Sunday.


  1. I love it when your Silent Sundays are so wordy and full of sunlight and old ladies, and blah, blah...

    The photo is beautiful, and well worth the drive.

  2. Beautiful dreamy photo - I was always told never to point the camera into the sun, but actually with landscapes, it can produce some fantastic effects as the sunlight filters through leaves, stalks, or reflects off water...

    Happy Sunday.

  3. I'm a sucker for dramatic landscapes. Your last two photos have been exquisite.


  4. Wonderful wonderful photo this morning...I'd like to call it your best ever...but you have so many gorgeous photos, it is hard to tell!

    Just glad you took the time to go out of your way to take the photo for us!


  5. GJ-Thanks, it's nigh on impossible for me to be silent on the internet, but in person all I can talk about is this: (insert sounds of crickets here)

    Folks - if you want to read one funny story go over to Grandma J's place today ( and read about her adventures driving the back roads of Texas at night. Funny stuff.

    Pueblo Girl - Thank you, I was shocked to see how these pics turned out because as you say people always said not to point it towards the light. Sometimes it pays to do what you feel and not what you've been told to do.

    MMM-Thanks. There's more where this one came from but they look pretty similar so only a couple more will go up from this particular day.

    Annie-Thanks it's one of my favorites too. All I did was push one little button called Automatic. Nothing more..the natural beauty of this particular location makes it so easy to get a good picture. Point, shoot and enjoy.

    Have a wonderful Sunday. I'm enjoying a cool, misty morning with a hot cup of coffee and the music of birds in the background. Mount Laundry will be ignored and think I'll sit on the porch and listen to the music.

  6. I love this shot anyway. I am always behind that old lady. She pulls out right in front of me, and then goes 5 mph everywhere. Including through all intersections and red lights. gah.

  7. That woman lives about a mile away from me. Her husband drives just as slow...

    Beautiful picture! Keep 'em coming!

  8. MPM &BHE - That lady gets around, doesn't she? Her husband always wears a hat.

    But they are adorable and full of wisdom, except when it comes to turn signals.

  9. What a fabulous photo .. you should thank the old lady for keeping you til the sun was in the perfect spot.


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