Sunday, May 17, 2009

Silent Sunday

Recently the weather has been indecisive, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.


  1. Indecisive rainbows are always welcome. That's one heck of a photo.

    Happy "Silent Sunday"

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Beautiful. I take it that Saturday was drama-free? Yay!

    ps--my word: winglike

  4. Oh I am so loving this ... someday I will get my own rainbow shot ... could you arrange for one during Blogfest?

  5. Oh I am so loving this ... someday I will get my own rainbow shot ... could you arrange for one during Blogfest?

  6. Here as well, from actually hot to cold on any given day. Some where over the rainbow....

  7. Your title caught my eye! I had to make sure it was true! You are not sick, dear? (veri word is mister - does that give me a clue??)

  8. If I had to guess, I'd say that the other end of that rainbow in somewhere in California - Sutter's Mill maybe?

    A wonderful picture; as always.

  9. Excellent choice for Silent Sunday!

    We honored our local EMS workers at church today. Can you say FEED BAG??? CB & I came home, took a nap, and then went to pick up our dinner....we bought tickets for the local Fire Dept. fundraiser - pork BBQ dinner! I just love it when we can support the community, and not have to dirty up the kitchen;)

    Next time we head to Damon's, I'll call you...

  10. GJ-We've had so many fast-moving fronts here lately that one minute it is raining, the next the sun is out and sometimes it's raining while the sun is out (a phenomenon known as "the devil is beating his wife." Don't ask me why, I'm just repeating what I was taught). This rainbow was the result of one such scene.

    AnnieL-You updated your photo? And your name? Good to "see" you. Hope you enjoyed Richmond.

    MPM-Saturday was hectic but drama-free or rather there was no new drama, just the lingering effects of Friday.

    Daryl-If I order a rainbow for Blog Fest, I'd also have to request rain and we don't need rain during Blog Fest--we'll be doomed since all our activities are outside.

    Lorac-It was FREEZING cold here today, rain all day long. Exceedingly depressing. My moods are directly tied to the weather. The CB children are praying for sunshine....

    Angela-Hello - No, I'm not sick but have just had a trying past several days. Nothing that a new week and a fresh start can't cure though. A winning lottery ticket would make it all better too. I promise I'd give it all away except for the bare bones needed for survival. Does anyone have one, a winning ticket that is?

    MMM- That rainbow is running north/south...I think the end is at the Hole in the Wall. Although now that I'm writing this I can't flip back to see the picture to say with any certainty, but I'll stick with Hole in the Wall. Or Wolf Trap light.

    Or California. Napa Valley, I think.

    BHE-That sounds like a perfect Sunday, up to and including the feed bag part. Nothing like a good BBQ.

  11. If it weren't for the piranhas and the water moccasins and the Nile crocs I'd float on that creek every day in the summer, CBW. So beautiful.

    MMM, that rainbow must have ended in the midwest somewhere -- anywhere with moisture in the air. Out here in California we had nothing but blue skies all weekend, with triple digit heat and 30% humidity. No rainbows anywhere. Just heat prostration.

    (I am about 100 miles north of Sacramento and northwest of Sutter's Mill. It's hot there, too.)


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