Monday, August 24, 2009


Way off in the distance in this picture is Wolf Trap Light, and way off in the distance this weekend was the Chesapeake Bay Family.

Yes, the Chesapeake Bay Family who does not get out much--if ever--traveled out of town for a mini reunion of sorts.

Big Hair Envy arranged a wonderful get-together to cheer up Mental P. Mamma, who passed through Richmond on her way home to an empty nest after dropping her daughter off at school. Momx2, who lives nearby, joined the festivities which included a lovely evening of talking and eating and laughing and eating and talking and eating. We also ate, in between bottles sips of wine, wheelbarrow-sized platters of ravioli, beef, mashed potatoes, chicken parmesan, two types of salads, desserts the size of Nebraska, one aspirin and three Rolaids.

The Chesapeake Bay Children spent some quality time with their aunt (Baby Sis) viewing their favorite movie, the critically acclaimed Norbit.

It was great reuniting with some of the Blog Festers, and I think it is time to start planning the next event, which sounds as though it's going to be in Mathews again. Remind me to get right on that after Christmas, which will be next week the way time is flying by.

Also remind me to talk about how uncomfortable I felt being in a densely populated urban area this past weekend. It's astonishing how reclusive I've become since returning to live in Mathews after spending my young adult life frolicking in the big city. I truly love living in this remote Last Frontier and would do just fine if I never saw another mall or shopping center again.

But I can't wait to see the Blog Fest Ladies again, and next summer seems way too far away. The Oyster Festival in November presents a wonderful opportunity for another gathering if anyone's interested....


  1. Uncomfortable in densly populated urban areas? Apparently this is a sign of ageing. Conversation about my backwater with a young Swedish friend recently moved to Madrid: "Maybe, when I'm your age, I'll enjoy living somewhere like that too". Thanks, young Swedish friend, for pointing out that I seem as old as the hills to you.

  2. That was wonderful! Sounds like my like of get-together. I'm with you, though. I don't like big cities at all. Or alot of people. Newport News is too much for me!!

    And the Oyster Festival sounds like a great plan to me!!

  3. I think that sounds GREAT!
    Let's make it happen I am here to do whatever you need to get it in the works.

  4. You may be rural, but you stay busy. It's a good life :)

  5. "wheelbarrow-sized platters of ravioli, beef, mashed potatoes, chicken parmesan, two types of salads, desserts the size of Nebraska" now THAT's what we could have used in Charlotte last weekend! Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend.

  6. It was SO cool to answer my phone and get to talk to you'all ... I am so there ... both events ..

  7. Fun stuff! I have the opposite problem as you - I like going to remote areas but after a few days I get antsy. When we moved to PA for a brief time, I hated that the nearest Target was a 90 minute drive! I guess it's all in what you're used to.

    I don't know about Oyster Fest but am working on the fam. It would be fun to show them your neck of the woods!

  8. I am SO in for Oyster Festival! Let the recruitment begin;) Olivia's, anyone???

  9. Let the planning commence! Can't wait for Oyster Festival!

    Fun, fun night :)

  10. I'm so jealous I could spit. I can only imagine the fun you guys had at your mini reunion.

    I can't make it in November, but I'm on for blogfest '10, and I'll be driving in for sure so I can stay forever if I want...ha!!

    I'm still up for a cruise on top of it all....any takers?

  11. You forgot about the famous "BC" powders that also made an appearance.

    It was great to finally meet you guys ... and Oyster Festival? You know it.

  12. Pueblogirl-I don't like your Swedish friend, but I'll be happy to sit next to you in the nursing home, provided it's not located in a city.

    AngelM-Even Gloucester/Wal-Mutant is becoming too much for me! Newport News is officially off limits - maybe twice a year tops for emergency purposes only. Sorry I haven't visited your site here lately, I just don't seem to have any spare time these days...

    AnnM-You're officially in for Oyster Fest. And see you on Thursday.

    Caution Flag-Indeed, it is a good life! (REmind me I said this when I complain tomorrow about being overworked.)

    Linda-Oh, you can't even imagine the food. It just kept coming and coming and coming. It was insane. But very good.

    Daryl-Although we could barely hear anything, it was wonderful getting to tell you about our goings-on. I'm putting you down as a yes for Oyster Fest.

    Meg-I think our nearest Target is 30-45 miles away, you'd definitely have a conniption if you stayed here very long, however I do hope y'all can make it in NOvember for the O.F.

    BHE &momx2 -Olivia's AND the Fire Dept. Dance.The planning is already underway.

    GJ-A cruise would be wonderful, and for sure CB Mother would be interested. See what you can find out, you know, in your spare time. And you can stay as long as you want next Blog Fest - CB Mother would be happy to have you here forever so she'd have somebody to talk to.

    Cool Breeze - Forgot about the BC's. They were definitely in order....great to see you.

    Monday is over, at least the paying job portion of this awful day. Hallelujah.

  13. I saw the photo on MP's blog. Only wished I could have been there, but had obligations that I had to meet in NJ.

    Had no idea that Norbit was critically acclaimed. Interesting.

  14. Country Girl - Hope your trip went well. The critics in "critically acclaimed" are all members of the Chesapeake Bay Family, if that tells you anything. I will say that movie, while not without its faults, is downright hilarious.

  15. Pouting. Sniveling. Whining. Pouting some more.

    Waiting for the tectonic plates to push California closer to Mathews. Closer than my current drive to Target (about 24 miles -- I DON'T NEED ANYTHING THAT BADLY).

  16. Sorry I missed out on all the fun! Next time for sure!


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