Thursday, August 20, 2009

Three Thing Thursday

Welcome to a regular weekly occurrence here, known as Drivel Day Three Thing Thursday, where I share three things and you share three things - whatever you want, anything at all. Random, unrelated or totally related, it makes no difference. Coloring outside the lines is encouraged.

Let's begin with my three essays which stretch to China things:

1. The photo above is of billowy, pillowy clouds and green, green acres. I can't see the words "green acres" without hearing "Green Acres is the place to be, farm living is the life for me. Land spreadin' out so far and wide...Keep Manhattan just give me that countryside." Oh how I loved Arnold the Pig. He spoke to me, in my own language words I understood.

2. It is mid-August. Trying to block out the monotony of my hour-long drive home from work today I forced myself to leave the comfort zone of my ridiculously predictable radio stations and tuned into a channel where they were discussing bossy women and their impact on men, not that I couldn't teach that class, but anyway on one of the breaks they were advertising for a New Year's Eve party. In August they're talking about New Years. Pre-Labor Day. Pre-Halloween. Pre-Haven't Even Had a Minute to Enjoy Summer Yet But Who Cares Because New Years Is Around the Corner. And for the record, what happened to July 4th? It didn't show up this year.

3. It's my goal to enjoy every last shred of summer with the Chesapeake Bay Children that I can. Since I also have paying jobs to attend to, this may mean skipping a few posts here and there in Hot Airville, Run-On Sentenceville Life in Mathews.

3.5 While you're doing your happy dance at the prospect of a break in the insanity, I'm going to focus on ways to suck the most life out of the last few weeks of summer that is humanly possible.

It's your turn. Please tell us 3 or more things, anything at all, whatever you want. If 3 is too constricting, toss that number right out the window and leave 300 things. Let it all out.


  1. I go
    1. Life has just become way more interesting here in our rental house in Toowoomba with the arrival of 5 more relatives from NZ. How to confuse a small child with two grandmothers under one roof.

    2. Only two more days till the big wedding...hooray...will be pleased when my daughter can "relax" Ha.

    3. I just had asleep...hooray. That helps.

    4 Love the photo...and I can't imagine the day there will be no Life in Mathews post! But please go right ahead if you wish to no-post. You deserve a break!

  2. 1. I love Arnold the pig. And Mr. Ed.

    2. I'm glad to hear my radio is not the only one stuck. I listen to the Gloucester station. Very predictable. But I love Neal's sense of humor. (I probably spelled his name wrong, don't tell him, please!)

    3. I hope tomorrow IS actually Friday. If someone tells me I have another day of work, I WILL cry. I promise.

    4. I hope you find some time to get some much-deserved quality time with your kids. Even if it means some days without reading your post.

  3. 1. It's quite humid here. Tough sleeping weather. But it won't last forever.

    2. I'm thinking of Lauren and how she's faring this week with taking the kids to their colleges.

    3. I'm packing a nice big salad for lunch today. It will be excellent.

    3.5. I used to drive an hour to work. I know your pain.

  4. it helps if you put this under the right post LOL

    well... ok.. lets see.
    1. I updated my blog but it does not show up in your list of blogfest people.. how come LOL
    2. I want a list of blogfest people on my blog.. how did you do that.
    3. you still have pictures I really need to come pick up

    much love...
    The bad blogger.

  5. 1. I never watched Green Acres, Mr Ed or My Mother the Car but the show with the Martian, not Mork & Mindy, I did watch.

    1.5 Did I mention how upset I am that Dirty Sexy Money was cancelled?

    2. New Year's Eve? Gah. And I thought the Halloween candy in the store was a tad premature


    (I am not mentioning my sciatica cause I am sure that its throbbing is due to it wanting attention and if I ignore it, bite a bullet to keep from screaming from the constant aching it will go away.)

  6. 1. I loved all those shows!
    2. You enjoy those babies! We'll be here;)
    3. Wanna have dinner in Richmond on Saturday?

  7. 1. It's hot! Although I feel as if the summer has FLOWN by, as I walked outside this morning and it felt like 110 degrees I was wishing it would be fall already.

    2. I don't feel as if I have seen my kids all summer. I think I am going to try to rectify that situation on Saturday, when we will actually be in the house at the same time ;)

    2.5. I am thinking that I should not complain about the fact my kids are never home, since they are, just not at the same time.

    3. I am glad I don't have to drive and hour to work. Since I have trouble controlling my road rage, the less time on the road for me the better. (word verification: traphic- how cute)

  8. 1. I don't mind my hour-long commute because 30 minutes of it is on a train and I have been tearing through books. There were years on end there where I couldn't read anything longer than my horoscope. I just finished a 1,000 page novel.

    2. We heard that our one neighbor's electric bill was over $500 for a month of A/C, so we turned ours back off. It's really hot in the house by late afternoon, but our bedroom still cools off nicely at night with just a window fan. The kids' rooms? Hotter than ours, but they're not complaining yet.

    3. Heading to the Steelers/Redskins preseason football game on Saturday! Fantasy football draft is Sunday! The NFL madness is upon us and rather than be a football widow, I embrace the craziness! GO STEELERS!

    3.5 Curt started a job today - it's temporary, 3 months, but it pays more than folding laundry. He said he was getting tired of being Hazel, and I said it's a person of a certain age who will get that dated reference. If you get it, raise your hand.

  9. Meg - My hand is high in the air. So glad to hear Curt found something, even if it's temporary. As you know sometimes those temp jobs lead to bigger and better things....Congratulations to Hazel, I mean Curt.

    Good Morning, everyone. No paying job today but plenty of non-paying work to tend to. Hope you have a great day or at least an OK day if great is too much to ask (it usually is for me, so I set my expectations very low).

  10. 1) Husband is playing East Lake Golf Course today. Only members and their guests can play there and it's where some big golf tournament is played. He was so excited he was up late washing his balls, clubs and shoes and picking out an outfit. Too cute.

    2) Increasingly difficult to focus on work...did I mention that last week?

    3) My neighbor is having a low country boil on Friday. We have the best neighbors....another party to go to!

    3.5) Comin' to Mathews in a few weeks!

    -Middle Sis

  11. Me X Three (I made that up all by myself lol)

    1. I've been a slacker lately with my upside down schedule that includes grandkids, airports, crabs, dogs and unruly bears.

    2. This is the summer of new doctors...three to be exact. Ortho, Primary, and Heart.

    3. Starting to plan my agenda for Oct/Nov in CA.

    4. Contemplating branching out and adding exercise to my daily routine. OK, that's scratch the last one.

  12. 1. Arnold the pig bothered me a lot.
    2. Dark Shadows bothered me a lot more.
    3. My commute is 10 minutes and it is not long enough. Most of the time.

  13. and 4. Thank you. :O) I so needed that.

  14. 1. I have lost my rhythm.

    2. I have lost my rhythm.

    3. Do you think maybe I have lost my rhythm???

  15. 1. I caught the same cold everyone else did, so why did mine include a low-grade fever, aches, pains, and a duration of more than 6 hours?

    2. I stayed home from work today and slept for a few hours. I also read and ate some cereal. Why, again, does being sick suck?

    3. The neighbor's cat was hit by a car this morning. She stayed in the road most of the day, waiting for her owner to come home and find her and decide what to do with her. Until the buzzards showed up, at which point I shooed them away and Chas put the cat in the trash can.

    Life is hard choices and involves more buzzards than you think.


Thanks for reading and thanks for leaving a comment. I thoroughly enjoy hearing what you have to say even if I don't always have a chance to respond personally.