Friday, November 6, 2009

Oyster Festival

Here we have some wet sand, some pebbles and a few oyster shells on Haven Beach.

Today marks the beginning of the Urbanna Oyster Festival.

The following bloggers will be in attendance, and most of them will be spending the night at The Loony Bin Casa de Chesapeake Bay Woman.

(This means that CBW has spent the past 48 hours furiously scraping PAG--permanently adhered gunk-- from her icebox, kitchen floor, bathroom ceiling, face, and front porch. Yes, she's been on a mad cleaning panic frenzy.)

Mental P Mama is driving all the way from Connecticut with a slight detour to Charlottesville. As an added bonus,she's bringing BC Powder and red cowboy boots.

Big Hair Envy has worried about all the details and kept us straight, just as she did for Blog Fest.

Noe Noe Girl is bringing her warm smile, her wonderful husband and son. Can't wait to see them.

Ann Marie is very graciously hosting a fish fry for us on Saturday even though she's been to Hell Neck Road and back the past week or so. (There really is a Hell Neck Road, it's in Gloucester.) Something tells me that the Bavon area of the county will never be the same, and I can't wait.

Mom x 2 will be joining us on Saturday. It will be great to see her again and introduce her to the fine art of a new form of music called Wonky Tonk.

If anyone in Urbanna this weekend sees several grown women in crab hats busting a gut laughing you'll know to turn and run away as fast as you can we've arrived.

For all Oyster Fest attendees, I'd like to reiterate the very important safety rules published on the Oyster Festival website. Please take heed:

Your safety while at the Oyster Festival is important to all of us here in Urbanna. Please comply with the following festival safety rules:


No pets (unless they are well-behaved crabs firmly attached to your hat*).

No private golf carts (as if*) and/or ATV type vehicles (well, OK, I can see that being hazardous *) within the town festival limits (placing a limit on festivities seems cruel and unusual to me*).

No alcoholic beverages (insert sound of crickets chirping here*)

No water taxis will be operating. (We have water taxis? -again with the crickets-*)

The use of the Upton’s Point Marina dinghy dock is available. (Thank heavens!*)

*The Oyster Festival website did not include these parenthetical remarks but should have.

If I don't do anything else while I'm there, I'm going to stop by that dinghy dock and see why it's important that dinghy docks be available at an Oyster Festival.

Now, for those of you who don't give one spat about an Oyster Festival and its accompanying dinghy docks, golf carts, firemen's parades and oyster shucking contests, please answer one or all of the following questions:

* What was the best part of your week?
* What was the worst part?
* If you could go anywhere in the world for a week, with no worries about money, responsibilities, obligations, etc., where would you go, what would you do and who would you take with you?

Have a great weekend, and be safe. This is Chesapeake Bay Woman reporting live from Mathews County in the hours preceding the Bloggers Festival of Hysterical Laughing Oyster Festival. Be sure to tune in later this weekend for more details if I survive them all as they become available.


  1. OK, I don't have crabs on my hat - but I did once have a crab squeaky toy in my pants. Please find out if this fall into the 'pet' category or not...

  2. oh you have made my day!!! Something I know something about!!! Although I won't tell you WHY they need the dinghy dock I do know. Meander yourself down there and see ..

    I am playing with the idea of staying in Bavon tomorrow and prepare for the crew with crabs on their hats to arrive.. (can someone bring me some oysters Oh wait.. I forgot that is what my husband is doing these days.. he can bring me some.)

    word verification nonyin On that pizza I would like pepperoni but nonyin.

  3. Best part - Curt got called Monday to schedule a second interview - he's going head to head with one other finalist for an awesome gig. It's like the American Idol of jobs. After this afternoon's show, America, it's up to you to vote for your favorite! But lines won't be open until after the show...

    Worst part - The early evening darkness. But the moon was awesome, so even that wasn't the most horrible thing.

    Where would I go? Urbanna! Or Paris. Or London. Or Anguilla. Or Las Vegas. Or my grandma's farm, if it was still her farm and she was still alive. Or... maybe I would just go to bed?

    Have fun y'all. Be sure to put something special in your Blogfest sippy cups as you stroll the streets or Urbanna.

  4. King & Queen has a Hell Bottom Road. It's not too far away from where I live.

    I am at work right now, and have not even begun to pack for the weekend. I did, however, do a load of laundry. Go me.

    Are we meeting at the Dinghy Dock? Bwahahahahaha!

  5. best part..the grandchildren

    worst ..coming back to a messy house

    only a are not very generous...mmm...well, I guess it would have to be to see Mathews!! That is of course assuming that I ahve already caught up with my family..or better still, I would bring them all with me!!

  6. Well I am so bummed..but I am going to get over and wear my Mathews cap I bought myself at Sibleys, its not got a crab, oyster or Wonky teeth on it but its a real gen-u-wine Mathews cap! I would eat all Lauren's oysters for her but I dont want nonyin on my pizza either, please

  7. I wont even "pretend" to be ready! I'm so excited I am about to spat my pants and do the Wonky Toothy!
    Guess I better stop by that Dinghy Dock.

  8. I just finished a document for work that (because of its hugeness) could be mistaken for a telephone book (if you printed it out and left it laying around) and I just found out that my elderly aunt has very serious pneumonia.

    I'm so tired, I don't know what to do with myself. I guess it's good that I feel this way at the END of the week.

    I will wrap up this sad commment and go recuperate.

    have a fried oyster for me!


  9. Best: the weather that was much better, at least as long as the sun was out.

    Worst: how cold it gets when the sun goes down. I'm not ready to welcome this winter. Yet.

    Oddest: seeing a man in my work parking lot without pants on (him, not me) and wearing a suit jacket as a skirt. Yes, its true and I had not been drinking at 9am!

    I would love to be in Vegas, drink in hand complaining about the stifling heat! Not sure with who (hmm, or whom?)

    Enjoy your oysters!

    Veri word is Quintal. What y'all drink with oysters instead of alcohol?

  10. While you were swallowing slitheries I was hanging with the Parentals and the kidlets, watching stuff my dad DVR'd for our edification. This was both the best AND the worst of my week, if you know what I mean. Thankfully, no slithery things to swallow.

    Glad y'all had fun. : )


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