Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Little Red Barn

There's something very special about this barn, and I've only just met it.

This little red barn lives behind a house that is for sale on the way to Haven Beach. Sometime last week I posted a close-up shot of the door on the lower left. That photo prompted three separate e-mails from blog friends, all of which had something very different to tell me about this barn.

Ms. Foolery said she loved the barn door and tinkered with that other photo to make it simply wonderful. Don't ask me what she did, but I think a magic wand some sort of software was involved. Also, don't ask me to post her version back up here, because although I'd love to, that assumes I know how to do that. And we all know that Dial-Up CBW and her Amazing Techno Skillz will not be performing that sort of feat anytime in this lifetime soon.

Next, Ann Marie, owner of Ann Marie's Restaurant--who serves the best fried oysters, fish and hush puppies on Planet Earth as well as the entire solar system--sent me an e-mail asking where that barn door was located, exactly, because she thinks it's one she's been dying to take me to for a while. We still haven't figured out if it is, but whether it is or it isn't she and I are going barn hunting one day. Cameras in hand. Get Out of Jail Free cards too, for when we get caught trespassing.

The next thing you know, Commenter Ghostless, who has been househunting here and just last week moved to Mathews, sent an e-mail asking if the barn door in that post belonged to a barn that was affiliated with a house for sale that happens to be somewhere on the way to Haven Beach.

Why, yes, it is.

Commenter Ghostless is now an official, bona fide resident of Mathews County, and hopefully I'm going to meet her later this week. Although she hasn't purchased a house yet, she's told me about some of the ones she's seriously considered, and they all sound like Chesapeake Bay Woman may finally be able to take pictures without trespassing perfectly splendid.

Anyway, I just found it interesting that this little barn spoke to others as loudly as it did to me. What I wouldn't give to take a peek inside know a little bit about its past.


  1. Not my house.... can see whole thing now.. mystery solved.

  2. Pretty cool. Did Ms. Foolery post the photo?

  3. this farm girl is all kinds of partial to old red barns.

  4. That barn belongs in a novel. So, CBW, get writing.

  5. I know where there are a couple of old red barns in K&Q just waiting to be photographed. Just sayin'...

  6. Forgot to post a comment yesterday, but that was a great version of the cruise story. I should write my version sometime. Along the lines of "it's a small world" that busload of people that we were with when CBM started sweating was full of lawyers from NC. The next summer when I lifeguarded in the Outer Banks, I was sworn in by one of them who had been on the bus....and then later that summer I dated the nephew of another one of them!

    Middle Sis

  7. that picture is frame able, the little barn is so whimsical. It looks like a hobbit should run out the door or a wizard or something.

  8. And if the house is for sale...... can't you pretend to be interested in buying it, JUST to get a look at the inside of the barn? Or find someone who is, and tag along? Or sneak in after dark? Or....

    Can you tell I may possibly have done some of those things? Not to THAT barn, obviously.

  9. I am hoping that red barn and the ones in BHE's neck o'the woods are on the photo op agenda at BlogFest 10 ... just sayin'

    And I would love to read Middle Sis's version ... sounds to me as if its a whole story

  10. Carry a tape measure, a small notebook and a pencil. Stand with hip thrust out authoritatively scribbling notes (actually hangman). Shake head in a sad, resigned manner.

    Optional: hold hands at arms length, making square-shaped "lens" with fingers. Spend a lot of time looking through "lens" when cars drive by.

    You will start lots of rumors and probably avoid jail time.

    By then I will have shown up to buy that barn.

  11. I hope BHE ain't talking about the OLD RED BARN furniture store down the road!

  12. If all goes well, I'll own that red barn soon, (unless contract number 11 falls thru) and you are all invited to come peep inside and photograph at will! Soon there may even be a horse or two, with a wizzard or hobbit attached inside!Just no ghosts please!!! Please wish us good luck on this one!


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