Thursday, December 3, 2009

Three-Thing Thursday

Welcome to Three-Thing Thursday, where I share three things and you share three things, whatever you want. Anything at all.

I'll begin because somebody has to.

1. The barn door pictured above is in the yard of a house that's for sale. When houses are for sale and innocent bystanders pull way up in the drive, the purpose of the visit is as "potential customer" not "active trespasser toting camera and publishing photos on a blog."

This is a most important distinction. Just ask any judge real estate agent.

2. The sun was peeking perfectly through the clouds and the trees to illustrate the hole in the door that was cracked open.

3. Sometimes I wish I had a blanket permission slip to trespass. Are they available down at the court house, blanket permission slips to trespass? All I want to do is take pictures of inaccessible places and share the beauty. Is that wrong?

Now it's your turn. Tell me three things, tell me forty-three things, whatever you want, anything at all.

If you're stuck, tell me why every week we have rain and 40 mph northeast winds even though the hurricane season has officially been declared defunct.

Or tell me why just yesterday it was spring and tomorrow it's Christmas.


  1. I think it's common knowledge in Mathews that you are an official trespasser...people just know it and accept it.

    1. I am too chicken to trespass

    2. I'm gonna suck it up and try trespassing....soon

    3. I will stash my debit card in my bra in case I have to post bail.

  2. 1. Just think, you might be helping to sell houses in Mathews!
    2. Jet-lag means waking up about 3 hours before everyone else.
    3. It is fun watching a toddler decide to walk backwards in the park.
    4. Early in the morning it is hard to think of interesting things before my cup of tea. Is it too early to go creaking around the kitchen at 6am?

  3. How is it next Thursday already? It was just Thanksgiving the other day! Sheesh!

    1. I have phys therapy for my knee today and I know it won't go well because I haven't been stretching.

    2. I started my New Year's Resolutions early (or late?) one is to eat at local places instead of chains. So far, so good!

    3. I want to write a blog post, I have the idea... but I can't wrap my head around HOW to write it out so it makes sense!

    WV... swaybdo. What my knee does when I try to climb stairs but can't because I don't do what the PT tells me to.

  4. 1. I am still decorating my Christmas tree.

    2. I made a pot of "to die for" soup yesterday.

    3. It was really chicken vegatable soup but "to die for" just sounds more toolishous!

  5. 1. I'm really ticked that our Real Estate Taxes and Personal Property Taxes are due 20 days before Christmas. What GENIUS came up with THAT idea?

    2. I'm ticked that I have to pay FICA taxes for my employees THREE DAYS after I run payroll.

    3. I'm beginning to notice a pattern here...

  6. 1. I find myself agreeing regularly with BHE...taxes should NOT be due in DECEMBER!!! Scrooges!

    2. I haven't bought the first Christmas present, and it's not looking good for purchases any time soon. See #1 for partial reason.

    3. I think work days should be based on weather, not on set days to work. Case in point? It's BEAUTIFUL outside today, and I'm working. Supposed to be atrocious weather this weekend, and I'm off. Blah!

  7. Its 65 degrees here today

    Yesterday it was COLD and windy and raining HARD ... flooding in the low lying areas of NJ occurred ... that happens every time it rains hard and for some reason it gets reported on the news. Seriously.

    Today is Thursday.

    Tomorrow is Friday.

    And on Saturday CCKate is coming to get me and take me up to Connecticut to visit two Blisters I havent seen since well July..

    Cameras will be used.

    Wine will be sipped

    Lots of food will be eaten

    I wish the rest of the Blisters were gonna be there but I can wait til February ..


  8. 1. You must be in Australia, where Christmas comes just on the heels of spring. Are you accidentally in Australia today? What'd you do last night?

    2. Love this photo, Cheeky.

    3. You need a pork pie hat with a card that reads PRESS stuck in the band. Or a patch on your shirt that reads Mathews Tourism Bureau. Trespassing? Problem solved!

  9. 1. Can I tell you a secret, all entre-nous like? I hate my ovaries.
    They make me look fat.

    2. I don't care that it is frickin' freezing here right now. The sky is blue and It's. Not. Raining.

    3. Items on my sons' Hanukkah wish lists include: an elephant, cocaine, rules of the conversion process to Mormonism, 7 prostitutes and an elephant made of cocaine and prostitutes.

    I cannot make this sh*t up.

  10. 1. I thnk you found where I was going to take you.

    2. if you did that makes me sad.

    3. if you didn't we still have to go..


Thanks for reading and thanks for leaving a comment. I thoroughly enjoy hearing what you have to say even if I don't always have a chance to respond personally.