Monday, January 25, 2010

City Life

Welcome to Monday, not just the worst day of the week, but the day where I begin five days of entrapment in Northern Virginia far away from the comfort of my dial-up internet my quiet, peaceful Mathews. The crab above pretty much sums up my feelings on this topic.

In anticipation of no access to a computer this week, I prepared some posts in advance and queued them up. Heaven forbid I should go a day without posting, whether I have access to the internet or not.

Northern Virginia is no stranger to me. After college in Charlottesville, I came back to Mathews with the intention of putting my bachelors degree in Latin American Studies to good use. Since you can't really put that to good use around here, I figured I'd become a teacher. After working as a substitute at Mathews Intermediate School for several months, I scratched that occupation off my list. There was a hole in the paper from all the scratching.

Then a college friend said he could get me a job with Sprint in Northern Virginia. No experience necessary. It so happens, I had no experience! So I packed up all my worldly possessions, stuffed them into a grocery bag Volkswagen bug and headed north.

One job led to another job which paid more money, and then another job and more money and more money and before you knew it, little old Chesapeake Bay Woman with a bachelors degree in Underwater Basket Weaving was working for a fancy schmancy consulting firm rubbing elbows with fancy schmancy people.

Although the money was good and the work experience invaluable, I never intended to stay up there very long. Mathews was always calling me back.

More on this snooze-worthy riveting tale tomorrow. In the interim, what did want to do/be when you entered the work force and how does it compare to what you ended up doing?


  1. I actually wanted to earn my living from behind a camera. Long story short I too ended up else where, in a job where I earned a steady check so alas never to be. Try to enjoy your week. At least there is Thai food.

  2. Yes, there is Thai food, and Vietnamese, and Mexican, none of which can be found in Mathews unless you fix it yourself.

    The hotel does have a biz center, and for the low-low price of $5.95 per FIFTEEN MINUTES I can get on the internet. Suffice to say, I won't be on here long or often.

    Have a great week.

  3. I have always known I wanted to be a teacher. It was just what kind of teacher which had me going a bit . . .

    Unfortunately, now I am not teacher but am a secretary - NOT what I want to do with my life. However, I guess I am stuck with it until I finish my ASL interpreting program so I can teach Deaf children!

  4. Wanted to train horses.That's all I've EVER wanted to do.Instead, I'm an office manager for a lawn company.NOT my idea of fun!But I work for one of my very best friends, so that makes it palatable.Still get to train horses now and again, but not to the degree I would like.Nothing quite like a freezing cold morning spent in a warm, toasty, horse fragrant barn.LOVE IT!!!

  5. You know my story - I fled the quiet rural confines of south central PA for DC and have never looked back. Except for those 6 months when we tried moving back and discovered that we've become DC people. Hey - it sticks to some but not to others.

    I had a similarly useful sociology degree from a small liberal arts school. I parlayed it into a career in HR and I suppose this isn't too far off from what I expected I'd be doing, which is WHO KNOWS, I WENT TO A LIBERAL ARTS SCHOOL SO I WOULDN'T HAVE TO MAKE DECISIONS LIKE THAT. GAH!

    You can have all the internet you want for free if you want to drive to my shack one night this week. Think about it; there's precedent! I'll even connect a mouse to the computer so you don't have to fiddle with the touchpad. Which sounds vaguely naughty.

  6. Have fun CBW! And now? I will be singing the theme from "Green Acres" all day....

  7. I always wanted to be a stay-at-home know, the best way to put that psych. degree to work!! It never happened, and I found myself among the ranks of the self-employed. Although it has its good points, the whole tax thing is about to KILL me!! If they want to create more jobs, they need to BACK OFF on the taxes!

    WV: forica
    I believe that my grandparents had forica-topped table in their kitchen;)

  8. Degree in psych. and wanted to train horses....trained inmates and horses trained me! Actually, after a career in banking, I did have 6 years counseling inmates, I was told I was good too because I was one of the few that wasn't a "bleeding heart" counselor...I don't know how I got to be...but I am fairly streetwise. Anyway, have trained my own horses until recently. Hey, Breezeway, bet we could swap some stories!!! Love cold a.m. in my barn too!

  9. I still have no idea...

    Actually, I always wanted to be a writer, but lack the guts to try.


  10. Ghostless - I know!I've been meaning to send a HI your direction as a fellow horseperson.Do you do any trail riding?We go almost every Saturday and Sunday somewhere for a stroll through the woods with our "children".Need to catch up with you and see what's what.
    WV - sions - There are sions everywhere that I should be working and NOT playing on the computer!

  11. BHE I wanted to become a stay at home mom also put just did not have the right pluming. I became a professional bum instead (except for the 24 years I work at Anheuser Busch).Now I do what I want,when I want,where I want and who I want. (yea, I wish). Sounds good anyway. No I stay pretty busy fixin thing,And writting dumb things on blogs. I guess becoming a writer is out of the question. Maybe CBW will let me be the M/C at blogfest. CBW you hang in there Mathews misses you already. And CBW these steaks are good were did you put the key to the liquor cabinet ? ///

  12. I wanted to be a flight attendant. It looked so romantic. Am I ever glad that didn't work out! Kind of hard to stow your kids in the overhead bins!

  13. Ghostless, Breezeway I don't know which one I need more a Psych. major or a horse trainer. let me see crazy/stubborn. Well Im both so if ya'll could set aside a couple hours each week for me (no whips) it might help!! LOL MM

  14. Darth Vader is hiding in Mathews! Who knew!

    Ah well .. I am so old that when I got my first job we used chalk on slate to send slate-mails or were they chalk-mails, so long ago I dont remember.

    I do remember what I wanted to be: A childrens book illustrator. No one told me you needed to start at the bottom doing grunt work .. so I decided to just get any job and earn enough so I could shop and travel .. look how well that turned out

  15. Hey, MM after being a counselor, I was a security auditor and wrote prison I might lock you up for that arson on the duckblind years ago....maybe you need a horse trainer instead!!!!
    CBW,enjoy the food and think of it as a mini NYC experience/test!!
    Breezeway, don't trail ride, just show, recently my horses haven't been broke to do anything but hope one will be calm enough when I get him back to try trail riding...I need a break!

  16. Must be a theme with horses and this blog- I too wanted to show and train horses, now I too am an office manager for a lawn and tree/shrub care company (Breezeway, I think that means we are related). I also wanted to teach English and Creative Writing.

  17. Scary Jamie! And I have a daughter named Jamie. I feel for all of us who wanted outdoor jobs and got stuck behind desks!I was lucky enough to manage a barn for a couple of years, and to be a feed consultant for a few other years, so I keep my hand in. Now just try and make my own horses behave!
    MM - I have failed miserably at applying horse training techniques to the men in my life =) I have little to no hope that my luck will change, maybe I SHOULD go to the whip!Ghostless might have more luck with you, since she has experience with inmates =)LOL!But I sooo enjoy your comments!

  18. Guess I'll be here at the phone factory till the last bell rings!

  19. Ghostless, I was just protecting the little tinne wennie helpless ducks from the big bad hunters! And I did not strike the match (WE used a blow torch)so NOT GUILTY. Breezeway a whip up side my head would bring me around I don't know about your man. I have a horse question for you ladies. I have a friend that took care of Little England in Glous. they had about 35 minature ponies. Sometimes I would help him feed them. My question is: what are they good for other than show, and bitting me in the ASS when I walk threw the barn.You can't ride them. I guess the bigger ones could pull a cart or something. Can you help a brother out. MM

  20. Always wanted to stay home and garden, cook, and be a scout leader or something.

    Ended up with 20+ years in the retail industry, and 12 as a public SERVANT buying stuff. Now I'm doing what I always wanted to do...stay home, travel and blog.

  21. Glad to see the city story emerging. I started as a librarian (loved books and reading, quickly discovered that this had no bearing on the job, which was like being a shop floor manager), then went into teaching (adults - children send me screaming from the classroom), which was fine for many years until I got bored, and am currently a translator (the only job I've ever done for which I have no formal qualifications whatsoever).

  22. Wanted to be a writer or librarian..NOT a teacher...ended up as a statistician for a short while, but have enjoyed staying home being a full time mother since. The end.

    ps Had a great tryout at getting ready to evacuate, when there was a fire in the next door apartments this morning...lots of fire engines for the little boy to look at!

  23. When I entered the work force, I worked at a weekly newspaper. It was small and I pretty much ran things. I was 21. Crazy.
    Then it was a daily newspaper, then a horse publication. I was always doing something in media and now here I am, making mountains of money writing a blog.

    Ok. Everything is true except for the mountains of money. There.

  24.'re almost right about minis...except they sell for a lot of money to folks that 1. show them or 2. think their cute!
    Country Girl...can I ask which horse publication?

  25. MM- I'm starting to think YOU might actually enjoy a whip upside the head =) Are you friends with David Grow? He's still taking care of Little Englad I believe. It's for sale. Minis are lovely lawn ornaments and like Ghostless said, they sell for big money. Never quite figured it out myself. They cost as much to take care of as a regular sized horse, so I don't figure you really get a break. I would rather have something I can ride, but to each his own!


Thanks for reading and thanks for leaving a comment. I thoroughly enjoy hearing what you have to say even if I don't always have a chance to respond personally.