Monday, April 5, 2010

High Water

This scene next to the New Point Fire House pretty much describes my ability--or lack thereof--to do anything productive today, up to and including writing a blog post.

The old building, with so much to say, yearns to share her stories but stands stoically with her windows boarded up, because she can't believe there is a boat resting next to her on dry land behind a sign advertising high water, but she really and truly appreciates the irony.

The past several days have included physical labor; Easter preparations; a daffodil booth at the Farmers Market; an Easter sunrise service which started with a 5:30 a.m. alarm and ended with two large 7-11 coffees; 5 solid hours of cooking; another four two hours of eating black pepper boursin, ham, turkey, asparagus, roasted baby vegetables, spinach/cheese casserole, twice-baked potatoes, macaroni and cheese, the kitchen sink, a few clothespins, and a dirty tea towel homemade bread, salad and strawberry jello with Cool Whip.

In conclusion Chesapeake Bay Woman is in a food-induced coma and will not be awake again until Thursday is way behind on everything.

How was your weekend?


  1. Whew...sounds great. Apart from the dishtowel and the sink and the clothespins. They sounded a bit nasty.

    See you Thursday then! By then it will have to be "thirteen thing Thursday"!

  2. Our weekend was crazy but with the perfect weather it was hard to get bent out of shape. Alas, back to the grind today.

  3. I love that little store... and I am incredibly grateful that I get to pass it 10 times a day on my way in and out of the End of the Earth...


    I really don't know why that boat is there but it really annoys me.. but that is just me.

    WV apooff... I wish that boat would apooff! I learned that in Salem.

  4. that high water/boat shot would have been perfect for my Sign Posts.. color me full from reading your menu and jealous of that shot

    WV inerldom .. in erldom one seldom sees boats on land

  5. Busy and sweet. With crazy weather and lunch with The Baroness! Your name came up... I believe it was in the context of all things delightful!

  6. Oh my, you had quite the feast for Easter. Mine was full of JJ, jelly beans, and London broil.

    Is that boat seaworthy?

  7. I'm exhausted! How were your baby veggies. Ours weren't so great.

  8. For a minute there, I thought the title of your post referred to someone whose pants were too short...silly me!!

    Just talked to the girls. Are you sure you can't take off from work Wednesday??? I'll call you tomorrow...

  9. I'm having a devil of a time leaving comments on blogger these past several days, even on my own blog.

    After typing in responses to each and every post here this evening, blogger decided to eat them up and spew them out into the black hole of blogs.

    Thank you for reading and commenting, and hopefully the comment problem will clear itself up here soon. It's very frustrating.

  10. Is catching up reading blogs and is now *very* hungry. Thank you.

  11. Love the irony in those photos. Makes my head hurt.


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