Saturday, June 5, 2010


Once again we have a photo that is completely unrelated to what I'll be talking about today, which is a new Mathews bar and grill called Cheerleaders.

Cheerleaders is in the old Club 14, which back in the day was quite the scene. Bar and dance hall, the place had a lighted disco floor. This I know because one summer during college my cousin Julie and I ventured inside, which is a story for another time.

Let's just say that Club 14 had its own distinct personality, and that personality included drinking, more drinking, disco dancing, followed by drinking. Toss in a stabbing, a shooting, then more dancing and drinking--not necessarily in that order, and you've got yourself a Club 14.

The thought of going to Club 14 for a meal is a rather interesting concept.

Here's what this week's Gazette Journal says about the grand reopening of Club 14 Cheerleaders:

- The restaurant will serve Mexican and American dishes.
- There is a full-service bar.
- It is designed to be a "family place."
- Quieter music is planned for earlier in the day; live entertainment starting later in the evening.
- Sports bar has 20 flat-screen TVs; pool table; dance floor* and stage.
- Servers are dressed as cheerleaders.**

* I wonder if the dance floor still lights up a la John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever or if they've put a new one in.

** Does this mean there will also be male cheerleaders serving?

Perhaps I'll have to stop by and find out.

Did anyone local ever go to Club 14? Anyone remember Pierre the DJ? I think his weekend name was Beast from the East.

For anyone else - How about a lighted disco dance floor almost exactly like the one in Saturday Night Fever. Am I the only one who thought it was thrilling? Keep in mind there wasn't a lot to do around here growing up, so if the answer is, "CBW, you really need to get out more often, a lighted dance floor is nothing to get excited over," I totally agree. Still, I loved that dance floor and think about it fondly every time I drive by.


  1. 1. Yes I remember the lighted floor.. do not ask please DO NOT ASK.

    2. I say we go... check it out.

    3. The sign may say Cheerleaders but it will always be Club 14 sort of like Hubert's down the point here or Scrooch's on the Island.. they can change the name all they want but people ain't gonna call it that.

  2. Ok CBW way to stab me in the heart plugging another restaurant on your blog? I thought we were BFF's ? Let me say this about that. But first a disclaimer: To all you lawyers that will be bring me defamation of character suits I will whip your ASS! This new owner (Mexican/American) has invested close to 500 thousand dollars CASH in this run down, floods every time it rains old shot house.The owner when I met him had more bling that watergate (a local legend) on a saturday night. If you call tee shirts cheerleader out fits then yes they dress as cheerleaders. Yes there is about 30 tv's there is a 5.00 cover charge everynight when the Dj is playing NO TENNIS SHOE"S this is a sports bar There will BE NO TENNIS SHOE"S !! got that!! Classy joint! (in mathews give me a break). Ok lets recap 500 thousand dollars cash,fancy Mexican owner, high prices, NO TENNIS SHOE"S, in a county that can hardly support a dollar general. You do the math!! Somethings fishy? I did not just fall off the turnip truck or as we say in Mathews (fall off the fish truck). thanks again. CBW Oh and now that Im all caught up be there monday to start on list my ex BFF. MM (you no im just kidding right but wait tell you no who reads your blog you better hide!)AND AM YOUR CUT OFF

  3. What every happen to loyalty people!

  4. Dance floor is there and he charged 10 to get in the first night he was open!!!

  5. Isnt' that hwere the stabbing was last week? The victim was drunk and underage. Doesn't sound like much has changed....It will always be club 14 to me too!

  6. underage at Club 14? I always thought the "14" was for how old you had to be? Was it not?

    Sounds like a rather up and up venture if you ask me. Local bar/eating establishment serving local fare. I mean it's just like a beach resturant saying "no flip-flops." And ya know, since cheering is a very popular sport there and so many people trek all the way to NN for Hooters . . .

    Ya know, maybe Mathews can support my yarn/jewlery/book/coffee shop?! Speaking of coffee, i need some. . .

  7. I'm impressed that you went to Club 14 Janice! I made it as far as the parking lot one time but was a wuss and never went inside! I was SCARED and this was before a boy I knew in high school was shot and killed there!

  8. AM-You know I will ask, but I'll wait until I see you next.

    MM-Of course nothing or no one can hold a candle to Sandpiper and your bartending skills.

    Anonymous-Glad to hear the dance floor is still there.

    Elaina-Hadn't heard about that, but again I don't get out much.

    Phyl-Back in those days, 14 was the standard age for most places up to and including the Spectrum under the bridge at Yorktown.

    Trinia-Yes, I did venture into Club 14 and actually had the time of my life. The music was fantastic, and many of my friends (young and old) were there. My cousin, who is from Denver, was simultaneously shocked and thrilled--especially by that dance floor.

    It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood here, except for the possibility of thunderstorms. Have a great Saturday.

  9. I don't know how to tell you this, but I've never seen Saturday Night Fever... will this get me banned fron NEXT year's Blogfest?

    After an entire week stuck inside the house with four grump and sick children (one virus, one gastro, now two chickenpox, waiting for the other two to catch it), I would take ANY bar. Even a downmarket Hooters.

  10. ok CBW don't suck up to me. I mean you never put me on your blog LOL. we both no I am and overaged mediocre bar tender at best Imean call a spade a spade your not gona hurt my feeling Seem what iset out to do this morning I have accomplished that was to stir the pot get some sh//t started,get the blood boiling. Any business in Mathews that can make it I all for. tell it like it is that is what your good at.MM still lov ya

  11. Mrs. F. - Because your household is in a state of duress, you have received a free pass on the Saturday Night Fever thing. So please consider your Blog Fest invitation a standing one, but once you are here we may require a brief glimpse at some of the dance scenes from the movie.

  12. MM-Well, we need your so-called "mediocre" bartender skills for Blog Fest, so we want your best margarata by then. In fact, you might even invent your own signature Blog Fest drink that we can have over at Sandpiper that weekend. So there's your challenge - that and fixing my garage door and dock/boathouse and a myriad other projects around here. Love you too - we need to schedule another blog hunt soon.

  13. MM, hmmm..something smells regarding that new restaurant. Who ever heard of NO tennis shoes? That ain't my kind of relaxing!
    But I wouldn't mind seeing a lighted dance floor...back in the day, that would have been exciting, and I would have tried to 'visit' a club with one! But, it didn't take much for me to try to 'visit' any bar or club then, it was the thrill of actually getting in. Sadly, I do remember guys getting dressed in polyester suits and trying to be Travolta on Saturday nights.

    $500,000 CASH? No tennis shoes?

    Mrs. F - I think you might qualify for an emergency Visa just to relax and drink after all the sickness you've had in your family!

    An aside here, my FIL was in a bad accident yesterday and narrowly missed being crushed by a run-away bulldozer on interstate. Thankfully, it hit the back of his truck and not the side and only scared the pee out of him. He's a tough old bird, and we can't do without him.

  14. deborah-A runaway bulldozer? What a nightmare. Glad to hear he escaped major injury.

    Yes, we must explore how to procure an emergency visa for Mrs. F.

    Off to a birthday party then to a neighborhood party. Busy, busy day ahead but should be fun.

  15. Count me out for this place. I don't care how cool their dance floor is.

    Looking forward to one of MM's margaritas.

  16. LOL...if all of my employees were as loyal as MM, I would never need to advertise.

    Well, I ate at Coco Loco (the previous incarnation of Cheerleaders) once. And it was definitely Club 14 with a Mexican slant. I am certainly game to try Cheerleaders...but only before dark. (sorry I have kids....too old for stabbings and knife fights!)

    MM has made an awesome new drink...I am calling it a Peach Bomb. Don't plan on drinking too many if you are the driver! It was incredibly popular last night and he served plenty. However, he did not serve one to a celebrity guest last night. None other than Jason Mraz dined with us last night. But sadly, he only drank an Arnold Palmer.


  17. Meg-If you want, although with the no tennis shoes rule, people that I"ve spoken with today are wondering about flip flops, which of course is part of the Mathews County Uniform during spring, summer and fall months. (Winter they're optional.) I believe my children will be dining there tonight, so I'll get the official report from them tomorrow.

    CG-It's actually not far from the Sea Shanty...

    AHR-I thought you were going to say your celebrity diner was Tom Cruise...people are still doing google searches on "Tom Cruise buys Mathews County property" and stumbling upon my blog post a long time ago about it. So for all we know he might be stopping by for a Peach Bomb. Maybe Jason Mraz would be interested in doing a gig at Sandpiper one evening? Mathews Mark definitely underestimates his abilities, but I'll wager the Peach Bomb is the bomb, and I"ll be asking for one next time I'm over there. Would come tonight except big neighborhood shin dig going on. I think Elvis is parachuting in...

  18. lol my hubby had his friends do the roof on the place and is friends with the owner. he said the disco floor is still in tact, same one. Let me know how it is before I go lol.

  19. oh the reason my hubby had friends do a new roof was cause the other flooded as mathews mark said. lol.

  20. Well this weekend I stopped and ate lunch at Cheerleaders.......I don't really know how to finish this sentence so I'll leave it at that. Surprisingly almost everything on the menu was Mexican. I decided to put there skills to the test and order something that wasn't the end I wish that I had gotten something Mexican.....

    Anyway, it was nice in there, there were a lot of TVs. There was a pool table. Much to our disappointment (not) the waitress wasn't a cheerleader. There was a semi dance floor thing with a retro theme to it.

    Well there isn't much left to say


  21. This place is on our agenda, right? I'm ready!

  22. If this wasnt a blatant attempt to get me to come back to reading your blog I do not know what is...
    You could just have easily have said free money given away here or amazing memory recall medicine evented and I would have returned as well. But to trick me back with Cheerleaders...
    Tsk tsk CBW

    And then to add insult to injury, I return and you go on a lightning strike strike (excuse the pun).
    Shall we start a fund (with donations etc) to get you broadband or a satellitte internet hook up? I'll kick in the first Geroge Washington

  23. Ann Marie, thanks for taking my call. I'm asking. I'll take my answer off the air. Thanks. ; )

    "Cheerleaders: Because We All Know How Important Cheerleaders Are to the Culture of Mexico."

    There's a five dollar slogan for them, for free. Thank you. You're welcome.

  24. OK, Ok , Ok. I get it. It’s incredible to me that only after 2 weeks of being opening were already popping up on Google in a blog! I only wish there were nicer things to say about us! Yes, opening weekend, our FORMER entertainment manager decided to walk around and charge everybody $10, hence the reason he is now FORMER Entertainment manager. Secondarily, the tennis shoe myth is false. All of the employees wear tennis shoes, how could we ask the customers NOT to?! We don’t want customers dressing inappropriately (Many places such as KC’s Krabs & Kues, Breakaway Billiards, etc.) request that customers wear their hats turned forward, no baggy pants, no plain white T-shirts, etc. Third, there was NO STABBING. Yes, there was an altercation in the parking lot between two young men, the cops were called, and it was settled. We haven’t had another problem since. We now have a door man and security to ensure we have no problems such as the prior. They walk the parking lot, the restaurant, etc., to make sure everything is in good order so the customers can have a good, safe time.
    Long story short, we know we have started off one of Mathew’s legendary "cursed" buildings, but I, the owners, and manager are determined to prove everybody wrong.
    We want people to come in, have a good time, feel safe, and be merry. Without faith in the business we will not make it. So please come on in and establish your OWN opinion of us. I will be more than happy to make you whatever kind of drink you wish.


Thanks for reading and thanks for leaving a comment. I thoroughly enjoy hearing what you have to say even if I don't always have a chance to respond personally.