Friday, June 11, 2010

I'm Back. I Think.

After forty days and forty nights four days of an internet-less house, which translates into several hundred unread e-mails, a couple of days of blog detox, and a new found interest in sleeping watching TV, I am back on-line again thanks to Jim from Hallieford.

Details on the transformation from stone tablets and hieroglyphics dial-up internet to broadband will appear in this weekend's post. Right now, as always, there are a thousand things that need tending to, none of which involves the internet, and at least one of which involves ants.

Hopefully tonight I can focus on reacquainting myself with the blogosphere.

In the unlikely event I do not post tomorrow, it's because I've forgotten how to write due to a minor technological glitch known as Chesapeake Bay Woman does not do well with change, even when it's for the better.

Plus there really was a minor technical glitch this morning, but Jim from Hallieford took care of it right away. Due to the CBW luck, which is not good, she's nervous that it could happen again. Or she's just nervous with the change. Take your pick.

Tune in tomorrow for photos of Jim, the miracle worker High-Speed Internet Man.


  1. Are you really?! I am so glad.

    I know we're supposed to embrace change, but I can relate. I get used to doing something and don't want to change the system. But it will all be okay. Just take a deep breath.

  2. Yay! Welcome to the new millenium! It's really comfy over here. Can I take your coat? Bring you a drink? Here, have a seat - you must be exhausted. Oh, and be sure to try the artichoke dip - it's fantastic.

    Can't wait to read the tale.

  3. Woot! You will think you have died and gone to heaven! Deep breaths and keep saying...change is good!
    You rock Jim!

  4. So glad that you are back online! I missed you! Thanks Jim!

    Postcard Cindy

  5. Well! Look who decided to join the party! Welcome back:) Let's have a glass of wine and catch up...

  6. This new technology doesn't involve you standing on the roof ridge on one leg waving cookie sheets and wearing a tin foil hat, does it? 'Cause I have some tips for you if it does.

    Happy Friday, Cheeky!

  7. Aha...good to see you back CBW.

  8. so good to see you back! In a week or two, you'll wonder how you've made it without the new technology!
    I've been missing your pics:)

  9. ...@Foolery, it's pronounced "tin-FALL", not tin-FOIL.

  10. That is a beautiful picture for sure.

  11. Fantastic ... this is just wonderful, welcome to 2010!

    I am not sure about this WV: kingsho.. who the heck was the king's ho... didnt she move to Texas?


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