Monday, July 26, 2010

Name That Eagle

Summer evenings along Queens Creek are beautiful. You don't even have to leave the yard to enjoy the light displays along the shoreline. Those pine trees above frame Smithers Cemetery, and most evenings they are illuminated with a soft glow from the setting sun.

Although waterfront development has taken away many of the trees that used to adorn our creek, there are some older ones remaining, like these.

And really these are not that old, just a little bit older than me and I don't consider myself mature old at all.

Except on Monday mornings. And Tuesday nights. Wednesdays and Sundays all day long. But definitely not Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I'm young on those days. Oh, and any day I don a crab hat I always feel immature young. The secret to happiness lies inside a crab hat.

One particular dead tree along the shoreline makes the perfect nesting spot for our bald eagle(s). From time to time he'll rest in one of my parents' pine trees next door. They're amazing birds.

But there's something not quite right about this eagle. Recently, it occurred to me that he has no name. Right now, he's just "our eagle" or "John Doe Eagle"-- which is really awful because now we're mixing species.

We must correct this.

What would you name a Queens Creek eagle?

p.s. The name Gustav has already been taken by my mother's wicked killer goose, the very same goose who has his own Facebook page and claims to be an international film star. He's a legend in his own mind.


  1. Virgil. Rory. Manny the Avenger. Steve.

    No, wait -- Lisa. Okay, I dunno. I suck at names. Just ask Smedley and Sparkylicious.

  2. I like Virgil actually I think Foolery nailed it on the first try!

  3. Jill won't get out of bed to actually post this herself.. (imagine that) but she is screaming to me to tell you Jill Jr.. I told her that girls don't HAVE Jr's but then she replied with Jill the Second... ugh this one.. she kills me.

  4. "Queen Latifah of Queen's Lake"

  5. George. Ethan suggested Spiderman or Captain America.

  6. E Pluribus Unum or just E Pluribus for short.

  7. Creeky ... because well he hangs out over a creek.. I got a snap of him flying .. it was sort of like my shot of the shark ...

    So who's dru? my WV says drulame ..

  8. My choice would be Byron for a male name, or Lucinda for a female name.

  9. OK, upon closer inspection, as in by enlarging the photo and using a magnifying glass, I realize this is an osprey vs. an eagle. BUT we do have an eagle that visits on this creek and I took a photo of him a while back, but it was blurry.

    Still, no matter where he is, he needs a name.

    So far, Virgil and Byron are at the top of the list.

    I hate getting old and not being able to see. See? It's Monday and I feel old, just like I said.

    Happy Feelin' Old and Can't See Jack Monday.

    Queen Latifah might be good for the osprey...

  10. I like Edward or Edith the eagle depending if its a girl or a boy. But I am really particial to Sam. =)
    See you Sunday.
    ps cant get there till after 4pm. The White Dog closes at 3pm. Sandpiper??


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