Monday, August 30, 2010

Boats Sail

Boats sail onQueens Creek the rivers,

And ships sail on the seas;

But clouds that sail across the sky

Are prettier far than these.

There are bridges on Milford Haven the rivers,

As pretty as you please;

But the bow that bridges heaven,
And overtops the trees,
And builds a road from earth to sky,
Is prettier far than these.

p.s. With all due deference to Ms. Christina Georgina Rosettie, and because "pretty" lies subjectively in the eye of the beholder, but most importantly since the fate of humanity does not rest on any of this, let's just agree that it's all beautiful.


  1. Well, I'm in total agreement here. Hope you have a good week.

  2. It is all beautiful! Have a wonderful day!

  3. Well done, grasshopper!

    Wild on Waverly Lane

  4. FYI - Wild on Waverly Lane is Chesapeake Bay Mother, who is planning a blog of her own, coming soon to a computer screen near you as soon as she learns how to download/upload photos. Chesapeake Bay Son has to do that since I'm of no use in the technology department.

  5. I've always loved Ms. Rosettie, but I do have to agree that Ms. CBW does beauty well.

  6. Beautiful photos! Can't wait for WWL to start blogging!!!

  7. Gorgeous ... and welcome home!

    I get a subglo (WV) when I think of you at home


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