Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Cornfield Incident

Once upon a time, a group of bloggers met for a weekend of fun and frivolity.

After gallivanting, cavorting and caravaning through several counties taking photos, they decided to have lunch.

This lunch included cheeseburger boats, hamburger boats, crab cake boats and french fries which evidently is what makes a boat a boat as opposed to those plastic baskets that used to denote a boat. This talk about plastic baskets and boats is not germane to the story other than this: BOATLOADS of french fries and other fried foods were consumed.

Let's return to our incident, already in progress.

On the ride home, one of the passengers had what is known in the medical journals as "a rumbly in the tumbly. " When the driver told her how far they were from home, and added that by the way there's no such thing as public restrooms in the tri-county area, an emergency stop was made to address the shituation.

This emergency stop involved a cornfield and a very, very lovely old farm. It so happens the driver knew the owner of this farm, so she felt it was OK to trespass stop a while and take some photos. It also happens that another passenger had some wet wipes everything necessary for such an emergency stop. It was something else destiny.

While the one passenger addressed her needs, the remainder of the jolly party frolicked about the property gleefully snapping one photo after another.

And when all was said and done, it was a very productive pit stop for all the merry bloggers.

The End.


  1. You had me first at 'boats'. I went to my whitefish happy place. *Sigh*

    And then, you had me again at 'germane'. Because, really, it is a thoroughly underutilized word. And you trotted it out gloriously.

    No sh*t.

    wv: reckst. As in one of the world's most famous punchlines: 'Reckst em? Damn near killed him!"

  2. The famous cornfield incident revealed! I'm happy there was a cornfield handy for such emergencies.
    You have a way with all words!

  3. ...Canary in a Coalmine....

    wv: spupta. I cannot even go there....

  4. So THAT is the whole story of the cornfield "incident!" Fun!

  5. I"m sure the rumbly person is glad you left her anonymous! You have such a way with words girl! great post!

  6. Peekaboo, I see you!

    Yeah, I am still a little disappointed that the "boat" option was not served in a red plastic basket lined with a sheet of waxed paper. But still - the fried-fried was tastylicious! Glad our car only had to stop at 7-Eleven for ice and beverages.

  7. It was a totally awesome pit stop ... and when the Sea Shantyelles assembled for the group photo I yelled out CORNFIELD as the remote triggered the camera and everyone of us laughed so hard .. the photo is truly perfect reflecting how much fun we all had ... even the one of us who I am sure is very glad she's got friends who know where to stop....

    WV telduea ... I bet she wishes you didnt telduea

  8. The aforementioned afflicted blogger is probably very happy that Mathews grows tall tall corn rather than short short alfalfa. This story would have been less fun and would have permanently put me off of alfalfa sprouts.

    Hat's off to the best sport I've ever seen, and to good friends!

    Word verification:


    I'm not making this up. It recognized me.

  9. Yeah, I feel bad for that person who had to stop in the cornfield. But she was lucky that you knew where to take her!


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