Monday, February 7, 2011

Scenes from Haven

These were taken last Friday from Haven Beach, one of our public beaches that fronts the Chesapeake Bay.

On my way to the library to do some research, I glanced at the sky and all of a sudden sprouted a wild hair that forced me to drive down to Haven rather than the library. Those wild hairs can be very pesky and often prevent me from doing what I set out to do.  I need to keep a razor in the car or something.

Anyway, the sky was perfect for shots from the beach even though there was heavy cloud cover and not a lot of sunlight coming through.

Haven Beach is right near Old House Woods, our infamous haunted woods.  Click here for more background.

This was such a Scooby Doo sort of day I thought for sure I might see a floating pirate ship or a wandering buccaneer searching for his buried treasure.

Alas, all I saw was the beautiful scenery.

And that was just fine with me.


  1. I think you made the right choice! The pictures are worth the detour:)

  2. oddly I read the title as Scenes from Heaven.. was wondering if there was something you needed to tell me.

  3. I also, read the title as Scenes from Heaven.. and that would have been just as fitting. I love Haven Beach on a cloudy day. I love Haven Beach on any day.. been there during scortching heat, rain, nor'easters, snow... beautiful place.

    WV: I am going there as soon as I am ablerru. (Channeling Scooby Doo..)

  4. That is funny...I thought it said scenes from Heaven too!!! I was waiting for the hand of God to come out of those clouds!!! It just looked like that, lovely CBW. just lovely.

    Hey thanx about looking into that home. After much thinking, if I don't win the DIY home, I feel like this is someplace I would like to end up. I am to used to living by the water to give it up.(13 mins away from the beach) But in NJ you can not retire here, it is just to expensive (I am assuming, the taxes are cheaper in VA) I feel like something is pulling me there and your pictures are making it more so...
    Oh I wanted to ask you a question, what kind of camera do you use, your pictures look so professional...

    Today I am off from work (phew!!) and we are taking the new boxer puppy for her 2nd vet visit. Man, she has gotten so big in 4 weeks. Sooo cute, my little Zuzu!

    Blessed day, everyone...Maria_NJ

  5. I forgot I wanted to add...

    sprouted a wild hair...loved that!!!

  6. Wild hairs (hares??) are wonderful.

  7. Good choice .. I think we often think we're being presented choices but I think the one we choose was the choice we were meant to make/take .. I am a fatalist or a plabbe ..

  8. You take the best photos. Or, they take you. : )

  9. How does one sprout a wild hair - just like that? And I read the title as Scenes from Heaven, too. Because it sort of looks like I imagine Heaven to be. With a beach and all, you know.


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