Monday, March 28, 2011

Still Standing

On the right side of Route 14 as you're headed out of Mathews County, at the bend in the road just before you get to Trinity Church, sits this old building which barely peeks to passersby from the trailer which stands directly in front of it.

I've always admired this place, especially when the wisteria vines (that appear to hold it up) come into bloom.

On recent trips out of the county, I happened to notice a bulldozer parked nearby, and I worried that perhaps someone was going to tear it down.

Given the laundry list of very legitimate worries I have on any given day, one might question why I'd worry about an old, decrepit building being torn down.  The answer is I tend to worry about everything these places have a story that needs telling. (Never mind for the moment that I don't know what that story is.  That's a technicality for another day.)

So one morning bright and early I pulled in and snapped these pictures.

Above the door, barely visible through the vines,  is a Coca Cola sign that says James Forrest.

It's been a week since I took these, and so far it hasn't been torn down yet.

Hopefully that's one worry I can cross off my list.  One down, sixteen thousand to go.

I hate to see these old buildings disappear, especially before I've had a chance to get to know them photograph them and honor them properly.

Obviously, one way or another, sooner or later, this old place will come down.

Until then, I intend to admire her every chance I get.

Click here for a previous blog post which shows the wisteria vines in bloom on this structure.

In other news, the Chesapeake Bay household is gearing up for another hectic week which includes soccer games on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at home/the high school if anyone wants to come out and cheer the teams on.

Hope your week is a great one.


  1. Glad you took pictures of it before it falls (or is torn) down. Also clicked on the Wisteria bloom pictures of it. Always heard Momma say "Father" brought the first wisteria to Mathews. I am pretty sure "Father" was Thomas Rufus Weston.

  2. I know that building. It is very intriguing. I admire it every time I go in/out of Mathews, as well. Love the pictures.

  3. I would give anything to be able to be there this week to cheer on the sports teams because 1. I miss that Big Sis isn't playing a spring sport and 2. I have the most stressful week ahead of me with 2 hearings concerning child custody and support. At least I have the 9th to look forward to. Please have copious amounts of wine.

  4. Wait. What's happening on the 9th?

  5. One day I'm going to get up to your neck of the woods and admire some of these old buildings. Such history just waiting to be told.

  6. You are doing such a valuable service for generations of Mathewites/ians. I can't wait for the book, which will eventually be part of the high school curriculum there.

    Good luck to the soccer team!

  7. To all the wisteria lover out there please disregard this post...

    I usually call it the dreaded wisteria..In the front of my home in NJ I had this island with a grouping of three large trees. I thought it would be nice to plant wisteria at the base of one of them. Over the years the wisteria grew so big though the tress that you could no longer see my house from the road it got so big... I had the r=trees removed and then I had all these little baby wisteria coming up in the lawn. Trust me you can't get rid of the stuff. But it does look lovely when in bloom...

    Have a peaceful week...

    wv:unkaph: (I swear it was my wv)
    My lawn looked very unkaph with all that wisteria popping up!!

  8. A venerable old building - very pretty with the wisteria growing. My neighbor started wisteria that threatens to overtake my house each year:)

    Have a good week...wish I could attend the games with you, it would be fun!

  9. what a fabulous old dame that house is .. I sure hope they dont tear it down ..evah

  10. I love the house... and I do like wisteria... as long as it is not growing on MY house. I lived for a time in what was formerly the wash house for The Big House, and it had a beautiful wisteria growing all over one side of it (presumably to disguise the fact that washing had to actually be taken care of by lesser mortals).

    It was very lovely, and was wonderful for the bees that I kept... and very picturesque, right up until the point the weight of it pulled the roof off.

    wv: troses - I'd rather have t'roses than wisteria, any day.


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