Thursday, March 31, 2011

Three Things

Harcum, April 2009

Welcome to Three Thing Thursday, where I share three things and so do you. Hopefully.

Let's begin.

1.  Since there's been no spare time to take photos lately, I perused the archives for pictures taken around this time in years past.  This one of an old shed near the public landing at Harcum was taken two years ago, just before a particularly tumultuous time in my life.

"Particularly tumultuous" might be the understatement of the century.  Regardless, I took some of my favorite pictures during that time and am happy to regurgitate them now during another rather hectic period of my life.

2.  It's been cold and cloudy for the past several years days and I'm exhausted, which helps explain some of my whining above.

3.  Instead of talking about or alluding to  depressing negativity, I'd like to end on a positive note if only I could think of one.  Let's see... I am grateful for my family, my friends and their good health.  I am also grateful for strong, black coffee; sweet, home-brewed tea; and soccer games cancelled due to rain.  Oh, and kettle cooked potato chips. And popcorn made on top the stove the "old fashioned" way. Also salsa, preferably homemade with lots of cilantro and fresh jalapenos. Don't get me started on guacamole, also with cilantro and a dash of lime. 

Now it's your turn to share three things, whatever happens to be floating around your mind at the moment. 

Thank you for reading; thank you for tolerating my rambling commentary which starts off referencing Harcum and ends up with guacamole; but most of all thank you for your wonderful comments, which always make my day.


  1. After reading number three, I have to say YUM, YUM, YUM.

    45 degrees today

    93 two days ago

    forcast for 50s tomorrow,
    90s for the weekend!

    Don't know whether to shave or not!

  2. 1. Supposed to snow here tomorrow, just when yesterday was slightly better than the week before.

    2. My brother in law and his wife have made it safely back to hospital (temporarily we hope) in Australia after his prolonged hospital stay in Chile.

    3. No baby yet.

  3. 1. I can't talk about food right now. Your post made me hungry...

    2. Don't feel bad, its raining here too.

    3. I'm off today, and we all know that is a very good thing!

    4. Good luck Annie, may your L&D be quick and as painless as possible. God Bless...

    wv: dictin: ohhh I'm not even going there!!!

  4. Oh gosh Annie I just realized it was not you having the baby...LOL nice pictures on your blog..Is it your daughter having the baby??

    but there was one gal having a baby men-on-pause brain vaguely remembers that...

  5. Call me a copycat, but...

    1. I am seriously whining (and maybe **ching) because I am nesting so terribly and most stuff is in storage, so I can't do anything till hubby goes to get it.

    2. I've been telling hubby this for 2 weeks now. He wonders why I'm in a bad mood.

    3. I realized this morning that absolutely nothing is ready for this baby yet, and we only have 3 free weekends to get it all ready.

    3a. I am grateful for my two healthy boys, my hopefully healthy girl on the way in 34 days, and that my hubby and I both have paying jobs and a roof over our heads.

    WV: Contery to all the above, I am super excited to meet this baby girl and am also trying not to dwell on the negative.

  6. I enjoy reading your blog, its the first thing I do each morning.
    Hate that you are so stressed, distressed,depressed - is it because of the book, having children or a combo of all the stuff life is throwing at you right now?
    It is cold and rainy here, but after listening to the weather, I'm glad it is only cold and rainy here:)

  7. 1. It might be raining and there might have been snow on the ground last night but this morning I woke in a better mood than I've been in for a while... today is the last hearing and is very cut and dried. I should be single in a couple of weeks.

    2. Headed down to "the Ville" next week... CAN'T WAIT! Finally a stress free enjoyable fun weekend. And I need some blog fodder so I can start blogging.

    3. Bridget makes a mean guacamole. She also thought advocados were called guacs... and referred to graffiti as guacamole writing. Feel free to make fun of her when you see her.

  8. Hmmmm....three things

    1. I am tired of the rain, need sunshine.

    2. I don't want to go to the post office, but gotta.

    3. I wait everyday for someone to volunteer to clean my bathrooms. Ugh. Anyone?

  9. 1. It's not even 40 degrees here, cloudy and drizzly, with rain expected later. Happy flippin' Spring!

    2. Repairs on my house should begin next week - FINALLY!

    3. Been working some extra hours and my head is spinning. Really gonna need this weekend. Hurry up and get here!

  10. I have a cold

    Its making my cranky

    Its making me whine

    Watch out for stress .. when it stops your body gives you a cold .. that makes no sense except it does but someone needs to tell my cold infected body I AM STILL STRESSING!

  11. Maria, yes, it is my daughter having a baby..hopefully in a couple of weeks, she should make her appearance.

  12. 1. My hands are cold.
    2. My feet are cold.
    3. My heart is warm.


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